Bill and Melinda Gates Say The Ritual Of Washing Dishes Together Every Night Is One Of The Secrets Of Their 25-Year Strong Marriage

Feb 06, 2020 by apost team

There are so many ways to show our love to those closest to us. Flowers, candy, or just the right words can go a long way toward helping our loved ones feel special. This couple has found a rather unusual way to express their affection toward one another.

Boy Meets Girl

Bill and Melinda Gates weren’t always the household name they are now. When they met in 1987, neither of them had any idea they were meant to be anything other than employee and boss. Fate, however, intervened and the two eventually got married.

Twenty-five Years Later

Throughout twenty-five years of marriage, they’ve had three children. They also now run the world’s largest charity. Bill and Melinda are living a life that they couldn’t have possibly imagined when they met at work.


Life hasn’t always been easy for the Gates. When Melinda was pregnant with their first child, she began feeling lonely because Bill had to devote so much time to work. Building Microsoft into an international sensation required his essential intellect and input.

Speaking Up

Things came to a head one night after dinner. As the family began to go upstairs, Melinda blurted out, “Nobody leaves the kitchen until I leave the kitchen!” From that point on, the Gates’ began to do the dishes together.

Everyday Love

Cleaning dinner plates was more than just a way to keep the peace for one evening or even a few months. The Gates’ have continued to do the dishes every night ever since. This little chore is just one way that they demonstrate their love for one another each day. Such a simple show of support can really add up when it happens every evening.

Getty Images / Frederic Stevens / Frederic Stevens /

Do you think a daily show of support like the Gates’ dishwashing could help keep love alive in your marriage? Perhaps you have another way to make the love of your life feel extra special. Be brave and boldly tell us your secrets for staying in love here. It might help or inspire another couple.