Being Alone Doesn't Mean You're Unhappy - 7 Truths About Loners

Nov 06, 2018 by apost team

Many people believe that those who have just a few friends and don’t get out much are lonely and exiled. They think that loners don’t want to live the way that they do and often urge them to be more active and social. However, this isn’t always the case. True loners often take immense pleasure when they are in their own awesome company. They actually prefer being alone, and that is perfectly okay!

Here are seven unique traits of a loner, all of which make them wonderful people to know!

1. They are curious

A loner may want to keep to themselves. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are shy or reserved. They are often quite open to new experiences and impressions. They often just need a little extra time to gather themselves before they take the plunge into a new experience.

2. They are loyal

Loners do not have to be the center of attention all of the time. But when a loner finds someone they love to be with, they are faithful and loyal to them to the end of time. It isn’t always easy to get the trust you want from a loner but once you do, they will be with you for life. They are one of the most loyal souls out there.

3. They know themselves

Many people tend to ignore their feelings or prefer not to think about them. Loners, however, are all about analyzing their feelings and thoughts. They are often more successful in life because they can understand themselves on a deeper level. This also helps them to understand the people that are around them. Loners may also deal with bouts of anxiety and depression, but they often look at them as a chance to better themselves.

4. They are self-reliant

A loner will not panic and try to run away from their problems. They are very strong-willed and determined to get what they want. They can face their problems with strength and dignity. A loner often stresses out just like anyone else would in a certain situation, but they are able to isolate themselves later on in order to recharge.

5. They are punctual

Loners value their time very much. They also know that being punctual is a very important key to success. They are never late unless it is a true emergency or out of their control. They don’t want to waste anyone’s time, and they also hate when someone wastes theirs. They find it annoying and disrespectful.

6. They are tolerant

Anyone who can appreciate true solitude understands that nobody is perfect. They know that every single person has flaws, but they are also aware that they can improve their own. They don’t get frustrated at the world because they have been alone enough to understand what they really need in life. They are honest about their own flaws and tolerant when it comes to the flaws of others. They are also always ready and able to help other people improve on their issues.

7. They Have Empathy

Loners are typically capable of showing sympathy and compassion for those around them. A person who isn’t afraid to be alone is also able to handle any type of misfortune that comes their way. A true loner will also find the positive in any type of situation. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They can be empathetic to those around them without being weak. The person who is happy being alone also knows that he or she will never really be lonely- they will always have their own company!

A loner will always respect the boundaries of others and expect the same. They will let you know if you cross this line. We can all learn a lot from loners! The biggest takeaway is that if you want to appreciate others you have to learn to appreciate yourself first.

Do you consider yourself a loner? If so, are there any traits we forgot to mention? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article on to others!