Bear Gains Internet Fame Because He Walks 400 Miles Across United States In Search Of Mate

Jul 10, 2020 by apost team

If you think you have gone through a lot in your bid to find the love of your life, wait until you hear about a bear named Bruno. The bear who is located in the United States has literally gone to the ends of the world trying to find the love of his life.

The male bear has crossed many counties in the United States and his journey has even seen him cross the Mississippi River. In his resilience, it is reported that this bear has covered more than 400 miles across the country.

According to the Chicago Tribune, he was first spotted in June 2020 in Wisconsin. He then moved southwards and made it to the Mississippi River where he swam across. People have also reported seeing the bear in the state of Missouri where he came near the open inter-county roads. The journey that has seen him go through the roughest terrains, as well as open roads, has become an inspiration to many people.

In fact, the many people who saw him have been following the story behind his journey keenly. The journey, which biologists say can be attributed to his quest to find a mate, is a unique one and many people are in awe at what lengths animals can go to when they are seeking partners.

A report from USA Today says, "The bear's journey caused him to put himself in a tight spot when he found himself cornered between the Interstate 70 and the Interstate 40 roads, which are always busy." The Missouri Department of Conservation recorded a crowd of up to 400 people who came to witness the bear's marvelous quest for love. This crowd came to witness the unique story of a bear who decided to go out and look for love across the country, something that was previously unheard of.

Sadly, his journey had to be cut short by the conservation department. He was tranquilized and put to sleep. His journey across the country, though inspiring to many, was putting his own life and the lives of members of the public at risk. The Department of Conservation now has him in their hands and will know what to do with him.

Bruno the Bear's journey serves as a reminder that even though we humans are more knowledgeable and advanced in comparison to animals, we are all driven by the same basic instincts. One of these instincts is love. The resilience exhibited by the bear that made it across the country on foot can only be compared to a person in love who would do anything to be with the love of his or her life. It is so sad that there was no happy ending to Bruno's love journey.

Don't forget to leave a comment telling us what you think about the efforts Bruno Bear put in for his quest for love. Would you do the same if you were in his shoes? Keep the conversation going by letting us know which incident fascinated you the most.