Bartender Opens Up About Customers Treating Her Differently Since Gaining Weight

Jul 07, 2021 by apost team

Everyone has insecurities, especially about their physical appearance. Learning how to live with our differences and love ourselves is part of growing up. However, that journey can be even more challenging when other people judge us or treat us badly for our differences. One bartender, Cassidy Tweedt, has opened up on her Tik Tok account about being treated rudely by the customers at her job since gaining weight.

Tweedt’s video was a response to another viral Tik Tok asking others to share their experiences with “Pretty Privilege.” This term refers to the way that people who are perceived as beautiful are treated with more respect and kindness than those who aren’t. Tweedt shared that this was her experience after gaining weight following treatment for an eating disorder post-pandemic.  

The bartender shared in a heartfelt message that after gaining weight she has become invisible to others, especially men. Tweedt said that when she would greet male customers prior to gaining weight they always exchanged pleasantries with her and now they don’t even look at her and get straight to ordering. This type of treatment is hurtful to Tweedt and she said in her video that it makes her feel “hopeless” at times. 

Tweedt uses the handle @Body_Positive_Bartender on Tik Tok and Instagram and spreads messages of self-love and acceptance to her followers. She has decided to speak out against the mistreatment that she has faced and encourages others to do the same. Read on to learn more about Tweedt and her story of defying beauty standards. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 

In her viral Tik Tok, Tweedt said, “So I work in the service industry, right, I’m a bartender, and if you were unaware, the way you look influences it a lot, whether that’s tips or how people treat you, it just does.” 

The treatment she experienced after gaining weight was dehumanizing for the bartender. Tweedt said in her video, “People don’t even look you in the eye anymore … they’re not nice to you, especially men.” This made her question if life was always going to be this way.

Tweedt added, “Like, am I ever going to be worth more than my looks?” Fortunately, because she posted the video about her mistreatment many people have reached out to the bartender sharing their similar experiences and offering encouragement. Being able to speak positively about her body and appearance online has helped Tweedt be more accepting of herself. 

On her Instagram account, Tweedt shared a photo of her wearing shorts and hugging a coworker. The caption read, “In the past I would’ve NEVER posted this photo. I would’ve taken one look at my thigh and hip sticking out and said absolutely not. The funny thing about photos, is that we have weaponized them to only portray ourselves looking perfect. Photos exist to capture moments. At this moment my friend and I were celebrating a successful weekend. We were having fun. Why can’t that be what the photo is about, instead of that thigh and hip?”

Nobody should be made to feel less than because of how they look. Hopefully, this story will encourage more people to brush off the judgments of others and accept themselves for who they are.

Did you find Tweedt’s story moving? Have you ever witnessed someone being treated differently because of their appearance? Let us know what you think, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones.

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