Barack Obama Urges People To Give Back on Thanksgiving As He Posts Picture of His Own Family Serving Dinner

Nov 29, 2019 by apost team

Even though Barack Obama is no longer in the White House, he is here to remind us about giving back to our communities in need. To celebrate Thanksgiving, he posted a photo of himself, his wife Michelle, and his two daughters Sasha and Malia serving food.

Former president Obama posted the photo on Instagram to his 25.3 million followers on Thanksgiving day. In it, he looked relaxed and in mid-conversation as he shook hands with a little girl across a table stocked with Thanksgiving food. Even some cranberry sauce cans can be seen in the foreground, and the scene appears to be set at a food bank.

The rest of the Obama family is pictured in the background with Malia smiling at the little girl, and Michelle and Sasha sharing food happily.

Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The main message of the photograph is a reminder of the meaning of the special holiday, and the caption remarks, “Today, we give thanks for our blessings, give back to those around us, and enjoy some time — and turkey, and maybe a little football — with the ones we love.” It is a heartwarming message that needs to be heard on Thanksgiving, and spread far and wide. On a more personal note, it continues on to say “From the Obama family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.”

Pete Souza/White House/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The location of the possible food bank is not clear, but Barack and his family have volunteered at food banks in the past, reports CNN. In 2015, they all showed up at a shelter in Washington D.C. to serve homeless veterans.

Barack also included a heartfelt message in a tweet that he sent out that said “Listen to people, get them to think about their own experience, and highlight your common humanity,” quoted from an article he posted that spoke about how to argue in a thoughtful way.

Do you and your family also volunteer on Thanksgiving weekends? Tell us about it or your other family traditions in the comments below.