Baby Sloths Talk Together And The Internet Is Weak At The Knees

Jun 05, 2020 by apost team

A video posted by The Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica in 2014 features baby sloths squeaking and honking at one another. Their adorable exchanges makes it appear as if they are conversing with one another and even the cameraperson.

Just as we talk to our animals, so too do animals talk among themselves. A video released by the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica appears to show a group of baby sloths talking to one another. In it, the cute little creatures squeak and honk at one another as they play on one of the refuge’s jungle gyms.

While the video is, of course, cute and capable of putting a smile on anyone’s face, the wildlife sanctuary wants people to know how amazing and essential sloths are to the world’s ecosystem. According to their website, sloths are dependent on other species to survive and vice versa. The sanctuary added, "Forests are clearcut for agriculture, ranches, mining, logging, human habitation, and infrastructure. The biodiversity is affected in every hectare that is destroyed."

Despite looking like a type of monkey, sloths are actually closer relatives to armadillos and anteaters. Living in the rain forests of Central America and South America, the three-toed sloth is known for its slow movements and relaxed attitude.

Although many might think they are lazy, there is a method to the sloth’s madness. Research reported in National Geographic has found that their slow movement is a defense mechanism, keeping the cute animals camouflaged from would-be predators. Sloths move so slowly that algae can actually begin to grow on their fur, making them even more invisible to other animals that might want to make them into a meal.

What do you think of the video of the baby sloths? Do you think that animals can converse with one another or understand what human beings say? Do you talk to your pets? Let us know below and pass this article on to fellow animal lovers.