Baby Panda Wants To Go Exploring And Sneaks Away From Her Mother

Nov 25, 2019 by apost team

Yuan Zai is a young panda cub at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan. The zoo has been celebrating over a hundred years of business and now has something even more exciting to be proud of. With less than 2,000 giant pandas left in the wild, the birth of any is a success story.

Just like any young cub, Yuan Zai is terribly eager to explore her surroundings. She loves to walk around. This adorable clip shows just how excited the youngster is to see what the world has to offer around each corner. Every time the zookeepers try to place her in the den, she immediately waddles out to in search of a new adventure.

The sound of the broom cleaning up some waste on the floor seems to pique her interest. Perhaps it's the nice zookeepers who she wants to talk to. Then again, it could be the bright red bucket which is maintaining her curiosity. Regardless, it's clear that the den is no place for a giant panda cub with wanderlust.

Like all panda cubs, Yuan Zai is still learning how to walk. Every few steps, she hits the floor. However, she always pops right back up without missing a beat. With this amount of curiosity and such a large area to explore, she'll learn to walk in no time. The caretakers have grown quite fond of Yuan Zai. 

In the video, the camera pans to Yuan Yuan, the panda cub's mother, who is enjoying some nice stalks of bamboo. It's breakfast time and Yuan Zai doesn't have to be told twice. Right when she hears the rustling of some leaves, she turns around as quick as she can and heads back to her den.

When Yuan Zai sees her mother eating, she pauses for a second. It seems as though she doesn't know what to do. She makes some whining noises and Yuan Yuan gets up and walks right past her cub before attempting to pick her up. The two return to their den and eat some bamboo together. It's clear that Yuan Yuan is a loving mother.

This panda cub is the first of her kind in the Taipei Zoo. Despite the den looking quite sparse, the pandas enjoy a lush outside enclosure with trees, bushes, and enough vegetation for them to feel at home.

What do you think about little Yuan Zai and her mother? Let us know in the comments and if you found this video adorable, show it to a family member or friend who loves animals.