Baby Owl Has Netizens Cracking Up At His Behaviour To A Squirt Bottle Shower

Oct 01, 2020 by apost team

Curbie the owl noticed his owner with a spray and flew to her for a drink. After his thirst was quenched, he decided that he wanted to take a bath so he spread his wings wide so that his human could spray his feathers.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

You've probably been in the shower and swallowed a bit of water before too.

While this little owl was drinking some water, he decided he also wanted to take a bath. He spread his wings and moved around, letting the water spray across his feathers. It was extremely cute, or at least its owner believed so. That's why he posted it online for everyone to see.

During the bath, the owl makes sure every inch of him is washed.

After bath time was over, it was time for a nap. Curbie, the little baby owl, is extremely cute.

Curbie, with a video of him being posted, has now gone viral. The little owl has garnered close to a quarter million views.

The comments about Curbie are equally adorable. One person joked, asking if Curbie knew how many licks it took to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop. The same person asked if owls often sound like Michael Jackson. Another person commented that they love to see animals being taken care of properly.

You can see what all the rage is about by watching the video now!

Now that you've seen exactly what went down when the little owl decided it was time for a bath, why not show it to your friends? They'd love to see Curbie, the adorable owl taking a shower.

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