BABY CALLED FREEDOM: Woman Saves Newborn From Flooded Drain With Umbilical Cord Wrapped Around His Neck

Aug 31, 2018 by apost team

A newborn baby was found in a gutter in India. A milkman was the first person who heard the screams and cries of the baby. There were other individuals who heard the baby screaming as well, but they did not save it. A local woman named Geeta was the only person who responded to the cries right away and jumped into action.

Ms. Geeta reached into the gutter to grab the baby and was able to gently pull him out, which was all captured on video. When Ms. Geeta pulled out the tiny baby, she realized that he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and proceeded to slowly and gently unwrap it.

Ms. Geeta is an individual who is extremely caring, and she could not stand the thought of a little baby being alone in the drain; she could not believe that someone would just dump a newborn like that.

The mother of the baby tried to stuff it deep into the drain, but its cries for help are what saved its life. The scariest part was that the day before it had been raining hard, and if it were to rain again the day that the baby was found, it would have been drowned by the water.

There have been several calls made by individuals who want to adopt the boy. When he first went to the hospital, he had to be placed into an incubator because he was experiencing breathing problems. The hospital allowed Ms. Geeta to name the baby since she was his savior; she called him “freedom” because he was found on the Indian independence day.

Ms. Geeta says that she would be interested in adopting the baby; but she mainly wants it to go to a good home, even if it is not with her.

Watch the video below to see her amazing rescue:

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