Baby Boy Ingests Magnets From Popular Children's Toy And His Mother Is Sharing Her Heartbreak On Social Media

Jan 04, 2019 by apost team

Every kid loves toys. It is, therefore, no surprise that what most kids wanted as Christmas gifts were toys.

Unfortunately, there are little dangers lying beneath every toy. Some of these dangers start to show in time as the toys get used.

Story of Beck

For one little boy, his broken toy lead to a visit to the emergency room for urgent surgery. This boy's name is Beck, and he managed to break his toy, that seemed so safe, to reveal a triangular plastic magnet that would lead to the unexpected.

Some of you may have come across them. These magnetic triangles are made in a very creative way. By using small pieces of magnets, the manufacturer is able to come up with a big structure. Unfortunately for Beck, the piece broke, and he consumed 13 of the magnetic pieces that spilled out. If you didn't already know, button batteries are always harmful and could be lethal to pets and kids. Unfortunately, not many people know that magnets can also be very dangerous. Beck' mother, Jennifer White, shared this story on Facebook to warn others about the potential dangers that some toys pose to kids.

Jennifer posted a photo of Beck and urged Facebook users to keep him in their thoughts and prayers. She urged parents with little kids and pets to keep watch on them while using these toys.

But she advises parents that the best thing to do would be to throw them away as they are broken so easily that even little kids can do so effortlessly when the toy is still new. She requested good vibes during this trying time for her family.

The Journey

Jennifer kept updating her Facebook friends on the happenings at the hospital. She wanted them to know what happened every step of the way. Perhaps what most people didn't expect was to hear the level of damage caused by the magnets. The magnets had formed holes and infections in Beck's intestines. As a result, the doctors had to remove part of his appendix, intestines, and colon. After surgery, Beck stayed at the hospital for 4 days during which time they restarted his bowels to watch the infection.

So many people showed their support by sending gifts and prayers. Beck sleeps a lot, but he is away from danger now. Jennifer said in a recent post that she was pleased by the support she got and was very grateful. She admits that she has never received this kind of support before, but her greatest joy is seeing that her son is out of danger. She is also happy because she believes someone was inspired by her story.


While Beck will be at the hospital for no less than 4 days, he is assured of getting the best medical care. Though his mother has not stopped shedding tears since it happened, they are now tears of joy because Beck is now safe. All that remains is his full recovery, which may take some time, but at least he is not in danger anymore. This family has gone through a traumatizing period, but the hope of getting Beck back kept them strong. Jennifer hopes that other parents and nannies can learn from this and be keener when looking after kids and pets.

What did you think about this story? Do you know of any similar experiences? Let us know... and pass this along to your friends with small children - they must know the dangers associated with these toys!