At Times Motherhood Can Feel Pretty Lonely

Apr 01, 2019 by apost team

Being a mom is the most underrated job that doesn’t get a paycheck at the end of the day. However, joining the motherhood club welcomes you into a unique club where other mothers understand where you are coming from. For instance, in a scenario where you are already tired and still have to fetch food from the grocery store with your crying infant and you bump into another woman. You are strangers, but she looks at you and gives you the “it’s going to be fine” look. She gets what your life looks like at the moment.

It's so comforting to be understood and it lets you find hope that others have survived what you are going through. Sometimes you visualize how many more women are out there going through the kind difficulties you are facing, and then there’s that connection that assures you that you aren’t on your own. It's such a relief!

Being a mother is amazing! You love your child more than anything but nonetheless, there are days you feel lonely. When you are still awake trying to get the baby to sleep in the middle of the night while your partner won’t bat an eyelid, no one’s online as all your childless friends are all asleep. Those with kids are also battling their own demons. Even your cat is all curled and asleep – the loneliness starts creeping in since you are the only person in your world that is still awake and you can't get the baby to fall asleep.

At times you don’t even recognize the person looking at you in the mirror. As a mother, you probably try to take care of everyone else apart from yourself. You have sunken eyes from sleep deprivation, your hair hasn’t seen a salon for ages, your skin looks pale from lack of sunlight, and even your reflection doesn’t know its name.

When you have a few minutes off the busy schedules to scroll through social media, you get to see your friends having fun on road trips or the favorite girl’s spot, and you are missing from the group photos. You start to feel isolated.

You spend the entire day with a tiny human in your arms that you can’t have a sane discussion with, you feel like you're going insane. You feel the need to hold proper conversations with other adults, but they are busy chasing that dollar or raising their own babies. Even in the presence of your significant other, you might feel like they don't understand. But don't worry, feeling this way is totally normal!

And even though a mom’s world can get lonely, it’s the most satisfying job that anyone could ask for. One day your baby will say “Mommy” as his or her first word and all your lonely times will be erased. It’s a passing phase and later on, you will thank yourself for pushing through and giving yourself strength. No one can take that “Mom” title from you, because you deserve it!

Have you ever felt this way about being a mother? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this article to let other mothers know that they are not alone and that their efforts will be rewarded greatly!