Anxious Dog Finds Comfort In Unlikely Friend While Owners Are Gone

May 28, 2019 by apost team

Anxiety is a condition that affects many creatures, both human and animal. When you have anxiety, certain conditions can trigger an emotional response, leading to a sense of foreboding and despair.

Even though anxiety can be difficult to manage, you can always find someone to help you muddle through the worst of it. An adorable dog and cat know just how powerful a good snuggle can be when battling symptoms of anxiety.

Brenna Eckert told The Dodo about how she recently adopted a sweet Vizsla puppy named Joule. Upon taking her home, Brenna noticed that Joule had some emotional problems.

Working with a dog behaviorist, Brenna was able to help Joule through most of her problems, although the cute pup still preferred to constantly be next to a companion. Brenna refers to Joule as a “velcro dog” because of how close she has to be with her whenever she’s home.

Soon after adopting Joule, Brenna and her family also adopted a playful orange tabby named Kelvin. Joule and Kelvin got along great from their first meeting. Brenna explained that the shelter where she got Joule and Kelvin each gave them names before being adopted: Joule was Sandals and Kelvin was Socks. While socks and sandals might be a questionable fashion choice, they fit together in the case of her sweet pets.

One day, Brenna examined a security video from inside her house. At work all day, Brenna wanted to make sure that everything was safe and secure in the home. As she watched the video, Brenna saw how close Joule and Kelvin had become when no one was home.

Kelvin sat with Joule on the family’s couch the entire day, helping his canine friend with her anxiety. Hoping to get a closer view of the pair, Brenna moved the camera closer to the couch the next day. Just like the previous day, Kelvin comforted Joule the whole time Brenna was at work.

Kelvin and Joule became a viral sensation soon after Brenna posted the video of their cuddle session to Reddit. Taking questions from fans of the pair, Brenna says that Joule helps Kelvin too. Joule’s cuddles give him just that, proving the tenderness of their relationship. Like most cats, Kelvin wants attention and to sleep in a warm place.

What do you think of Joule and Kelvin’s friendship? Do you have any special way of coping with anxiety? Let us know in the comments and pass this heartwarming story along to all the animal-lovers you know!