Anxious Customers Notice A Slow Moving Checkout Lane And Are Awestruck After Reading The Sign

Dec 10, 2018 by apost team

When you go to a grocery store, you usually expect the checkout line to move at a steady pace. Customers in one grocery store were getting anxious when the line they were in was moving at a snail's pace until they read a sign that was posted at the counter.

If you're the person who is making the line behind you wait, it can often be embarrassing as you put things back that you can't pay for or as you're looking for a coupon that you misplaced.

Customers at a store in Scotland were trying to get their purchases so that they could go home when they stumbled across a lane that was designed for those who need a little extra time checking out. The store arranged for the lane for customers who don't want to feel like they are rushed while they are checking out and those who might need assistance, such as elderly individuals or those who have disabilities.

Customers who don't have a good memory or those who are autistic can use the lane without feeling like they are a burden to other customers. Parents with young children can use the lane so that they can concentrate on caring for their children without worrying about what other customers think.

Customers can talk to the cashier if they need someone to talk to during the day or seek assistance with getting their purchases out the door.

Have you ever experienced the anxiety at the check out lane at a grocery store? What do you think of this idea? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below and pass it along to your family and friends.