Anxiety And Diet – The Ultimate Guide To Eating Your Way Out Of Your Own Head

Jun 14, 2018 by apost team

The trials that anxiety puts us through can be of varying intensity. We can use medicine and therapy to assist us in our journey to cope with our anxiety-related issues. However, what some may not know is that our diet plays a large role in how our anxiety can affect as us well as the intensity that it affects us with whenever we start having anxiety. Your diet will not cure anxiety, but it can affect it in negative ways. To take away these negative foods and replace them with foods of differing nutritional value can definitely assist in symptoms of anxiety. 

The first thing you need to do is cut out high sodium foods. High sodium foods increase blood pressure drastically and this can make any anxiety symptoms significantly worse. The worst things to avoid are ramen noodles, soy sauce, some cheeses, and especially adding extra salt to any food. Consume salt in moderation. Do not cut it out entirely as sodium helps our brains undergo ketosis and is vital for survival like any nutrient on this article.

The next thing to do is to begin consuming healthy carbohydrates. Avoid starch based carbs from pastas and breads and potatoes. Instead, try and consume carbohydrates that also contain dietary fibers; fruits and veggies. Especially leafy greens. When you do consume bread, consume whole wheat bread and consume a large amount of grains. Avoid at all costs sugary foods. 

Eat high fat, high protein foods at breakfast. Avoid overly cholesterol inducing foods, however. A light amount of eggs and turkey bacon is savory, but will also help you keep a clear head all day. Avoid dairy proteins and instead focus on the fat in eggs or fish or fatty birds like turkey or chicken. 

Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. These can cause edginess and fidgeting. This can increase feelings of anxiety when they emerge. 

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Water is the bare necessity for the emergence of life. You're no different. Pay attention to your pee. If your urine is slightly light yellow, then you're good. Deep yellow to orange means drink up some water ASAP. Clear means to cut down a bit on your water intake just a bit. Over-hydration is a thing. 

Consume fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are mood boosting nutrients. As well as this, foods high in B vitamins are also quite important for mood and energy boosting. These can be found as vitamin pills or in beef and some mushrooms. 

If you found this guide helpful, tell your friends about this article. Let us know if you learned anything useful or if you have any dietary habits that you think you should share with us for managing anxiety. 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!