'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Played In A Minor Key Is Simply Haunting
Dec 14, 2015 by apost team


"All I Want For Christmas Is You" is one of most popular Christmas classic of all time. The song gets us all in the festive spirit and then all I want is to snuggle under a blanket and watch the film Love Actually over and over again. But then I heard this version by Chase Holfelder. He sings the song in an A minor key. Holfelder is known to take classics and pop songs and turn them around into sad songs. He is quite popular on YouTube and has a huge fan following that loves the different tone that he gives to well-known songs. This rendition of "All I Want For Christmas Is You" is really amazing. If you like Holfeder's rendition, then SHARE this Video with your friends and spread the Christmas spirit!