Alanis Morissette Updated ‘Ironic’ For Today’s Problems And It’s So Funny.

Feb 14, 2019 by apost team

"Isn't it ironic, don't you think?" These are words that you heard frequently back in the 90's. This was thanks to Alanis Morissette's big hit "Ironic".

This song climbed to the top in countries like the United States, Canada, Norway, and even Australia. It went on to be nominated for not one, but two Grammys. The video was nominated for a staggering six video music awards on MTV.

This song had it's day thats for sure. Even with all the fans, of course there had to be a few haters. They argued that the song was more about coincidences instead of irony. But, does it really matter? The song was a big hit and that's all that people wanted, a catchy tune that they could relate to.

A good 20 years into the future and the famous Alanis Morissette has done it again but this time she had some help. Alanis and James Corden, off of the TV show "The Late Late Show", perform a duet with an updated version of the song which touches on our modern, first world problems.

 She has a great sense of humor as she even jokes about the song "Ironic" not even being ironic. It figures.


See the changes below that have brought song up to date in a way that most of us can truly relate to.

An old friend sends you a Facebook request. You only find out they’re racist after you accept. There’s a free office cake on the first day of your diet. It’s like they announce a new iPhone the day after you buy it

And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

It’s like swiping left on your future soulmate. It’s a Snapchat that you wish you had saved. It’s a funny tweet that nobody faves. And who would’ve thought it figures. It’s a traffic jam when you try to use Waze. A no-smoking sign when you brought your vape. It’s 10,000 male late-night hosts when all you want is just one woman, seriously!

It’s singing the duet of your dreams, and then Alanis Morissette shouting at you.

And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? A little too ironic, and yeah I really do think. It’s like your first class on a Southwest plane. Then you realize that every seat is the same. It’s like Amazon but your package never came. And who would’ve thought it figures. It’s like Netflix but you own DVDs.It’s a free ride but your Uber’s down the street. It’s singing “Ironic,” but there are no ironies. And who would’ve thought it figures

And isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? A little too ironic, and yeah I really do think. It’s like your first class on a Southwest plane. Then you realize that every seat is the same. It’s like Amazon but your package never came. And who would’ve thought it figures. It’s like Netflix but you own DVDs.It’s a free ride but your Uber’s down the street. It’s singing “Ironic,” but there are no ironies. And who would’ve thought it figures

How did you find this updated version of 'Ironic'? Do you find it funny as well? Don't hesitate to share with us in the comments and pass on it for your friends as as well.