Airline Sees Baby Boy’s Appearance And Refuses To Believe He’s Really His Mother’s Child

Apr 09, 2019 by apost team

Lindsey Gottlieb is the women's basketball coach at the University of California, Berkeley. Although she's been on many trips with the team, she's never had an experience quite like this one. In May of 2017 she and her one-year-old baby, Jordan, were checking in at Denver International Airport for a trip on Southwest Airlines to head home to the San Francisco Bay area.

This isn't the first time she's taken her baby with her. It doesn't seem they had a problem on the way to Denver, either.

Apparently, even after providing the airline employee with Jordan's passport, the ticket-taker was still not completely satisfied that Lindsey was Jacob's mother. The baby's father and Lindsey were engaged at the time, but since still not married the baby's identification showed his father's name, and Lindsey did not share that name at the time.

Coupled with that, the baby shares the looks of his father of African-American heritage while Lindsey is white. The ticket agent demanded to see Jacob's birth certificate before allowing them to board.

Lindsey shared the story on social media, letting the world know what happened, and how embarrassed and uncomfortable the situation made her feel.

In an interview with CBS San Francisco, Lindsey said the incident had emotionally drained her.

Southwest Airlines has since apologized for the cause of Lindsey's consternation and went on to explain their policy for confirming the identity of children under the age of two, but Lindsey thinks this was a racially insensitive issue.

According to Southwest Airlines' policy, passport documentation should have been enough for this domestic flight.

Watch the story of the incident in the video below:

What do you think? Did the airline employee overstep her bounds due to the color difference of the baby and his mother? Make sure to pass this video along to your friends to talk about this story.