After A Year Separated A Dog And Her Owner Are Reunited

Aug 29, 2020 by apost team

In this recent video, Ari the Jack Russel terrier has an owner who she loves very much. But due to medical issues, the family had to separate for an entire year. When Ari sees her owner again, she almost doesn't recognize him; when she finally does, the result is completely heartwarming.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Ari and her owner did everything together. She was always there when he came home from work, ready to greet him with a wagging tail and a cheerful bark.

Unfortunately, all of that changed when Ari's owner had to get a liver transplant. He needed to be in the hospital, and he didn't want to leave his little dog alone. As a solution, he had her stay with a family member.

Time to Meet Again

It took Ari's owner an entire year to receive and then recover from a liver transplant. The surgery was difficult, but he made it through. It probably helped that he had such a sweet dog waiting for him to come home.

Once he was completely recovered, Ari's owner immediately asked to see his best friend. The woman who had been watching her brought Ari outside so she could reunite with her favorite person.

A Lack of Recognition

Despite her excitement, Ari didn't actually recognizer her owner right away. A year is a long time for a small dog. Plus, her owner probably smelled different after he got out of the hospital.

In order to maintain the suspense, Ari's owner slowly took off his glasses and handed them to his friend. He bent down slowly but carefully until he was on face level with his dog. Then, he did something that he knew she would immediately recognize.

The Moment She Knows

Ari is a sociable dog, and she was enjoying the chance to meet someone who she thought was a new friend. But then the man whistled, and Ari's ears snapped straight up. She knew that sound as if it were her own name. Only her owner whistled that way.

Suddenly, Ari's eyes lit up with recognition. Her tail started to wag, her paws started to tap, and she lost the ability to contain herself. The little terrier lept straight into her owner's arms. Luckily, he was more than happy to return the hug

The reunion between Ari and her owner is wonderful to see. Small dogs might not have a large perspective, but their hearts are incredibly big. Hopefully, this particular terrier won't have to separate from her owner again anytime soon.

Do you have a dog who you love? Tell us all about them, and don't forget to pass this post along.

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