After 7 Years Of Marriage, This Woman Filed For Divorce. Now She's Sharing Her Advice For Wives So That They Don't Head For Divorce

Oct 10, 2017 by apost team

Recently, a divorced woman shared her experience on the internet in the hopes that other women contemplating divorce can try to see positives in their married lives and possibly not head down the path of divorce. Check out her wise words below!

I am a woman who filed for divorce after 7 years of marriage. Based on my experience, I would like to share with you some of the most important things that I learned during my life as a wife and now. Only now that my divorce has been finalized, can I truly appreciate that marriage is a partnership requiring two equal halves.

I wrote these tips for wives, but who knows, maybe some of them will be useful for husbands too...

1. Always Look For The Positives:

Concentrate on what you love about your partner, rather than the things you don't like

2. Make Love:

Making love is the ultimate sign of intimacy and can be the healing ointment when it feels like you are growing apart

3. Seek Advice From Those Who Have Gone The Distance:

We all face decisions at some point which we cannot make on our own. During these times, it is best to turn to those who have more experience and are likely to have already experienced such difficulties in their own marriages

4. Do Not Force A Change Or "Fix":

Everyone has their own way of dealing with things so give your partner the space they need and let them come to you. Forcing a "fix" will only make the issues worse

5. Remind Them Why You Fell In Love With Them In The First Place:

It doesn't hurt to pay them a compliment now and again! Remind them why you fell in love with them in the first place. We all need a little ego boost from time to time

6. They Chose You For A Reason:

Never forget this but also don't take their choice for granted

7. Laugh At Their Jokes:

It might seem silly, but laughing at your partner's jokes (even when they aren't funny!) can be a fantastic way to bond and offers some light relief when things seem tough

8. Take Responsibility For Your Actions:

It is important that you, too, can admit your faults. Showing some humility can do wonders for a struggling marriage!

9. Stay Close:

Showing your partner some love and attention may seem obvious but it is so often forgotten. Give them some tender loving care ?

10. Stop Trying To Second Guess:

Communicate with your partner so you can know their true feelings rather than trying to guess

11. Never Seek Out Advice On The Web:

This one might seem strange but: do these strangers on the internet really know you and your partner well enough to offer sound advice?

12. Give Them Time:

In marriage, there are times when each of you needs to find their new "I" (we are constantly changing) before you can continue to have a trusting relationship

13. Be Vulnerable:

Do not be afraid to share your fears and feelings with your partner. They sense when we keep something from them and they appreciate it when we are open and honest

14. Forget "The Ideal":

Stop holding on to the "ideal" partner you have envisioned and accept your partner for who they are, warts and all!

15. Take Every Day As It Comes:

Everyone has an off day, including you so when your partner seems to be off their game, just support them where you can. It's about give and take

16. Find Common Interests, Goals, And Dreams:

Sharing an interest or goal can be vital in repairing old wounds and coming together closer than ever

17. Don't Let Money Come Between You:

Money is not the be-all and end-all so don't let it be the death knell for your marriage!

18. Let Go:

Don't hold on to grudges. Leave the past in the past and don't allow it to drive a rift between you and your partner

19. Don't Underestimate The Power Of Simple Touches:

Sometimes a simple touch can express what words cannot

20. Always Choose Love:

Love is a verb, so make sure you are active in loving your partner!

Great advice! This should definitely be SHARED with friends and re-read every day!

Love and be loved!