Adorable Moment Baby Facepalms And Breaks Down Into Tears After Seeing Dad's New Haircut

Apr 15, 2019 by apost team

They might not be able to speak, but babies are incredibly perceptive. When something changes unexpectedly, they're sure to notice, and it can make the very upset. For one baby the sight of his father with a new hairstyle was deeply troubling. It was as if a stranger had entered their home and was trying to impersonate his father.

Baby Mason Harris is only eight months old, but he's clearly got a good sense of the world around him. As he was enjoying a bottle full of milk with his mom, the door opened. In walked someone who looked like his dad and certainly sounded like him, but something wasn't right.

If this was his dad, then where was his hairstyle, which was like a cross between an afro and a mohawk? Whoever this was had a much shorter and tighter haircut. Mason wasn't about to keep his displeasure to himself. Instead, he started wailing in protest about this supposed-intruder, trying to imitate his beloved father, Greg.

It could also be that he really loved his father's old hairstyle and is upset that he's selling out. Whatever the case, Greg and Mason's mother, Michelle, do their best to try and calm him down, even though he continues to wail. We can trust that he was eventually placated and learned to tolerate, maybe even love his father's new haircut.

It might teach Greg and Michelle a lesson about not springing changes on their son too quickly. Though Mason is crying, this is a tremendously heartwarming video. It shows how innocent young children are, as they can get so used to things that any kind of change is like having their entire concept of reality permanently shifted. It also shows how supportive parents can be.

When Mason gets upset, his parents don't get frustrated. They find humor in the situation as they work to comfort him. Being a parent means learning patience like never before. You can never know exactly what's going to upset your child. Greg probably didn't prepare for the possibility that Mason would be reduced to hysterics while he was getting his haircut. However, when the moment happened, he kept his cool.

He and Michelle should also be grateful that they got this moment captured on film so that they could share it with the world. As Mason grows up, we hope that he can look back at this moment and laugh.

What do you think of this hysterical and touching video? Have your children done anything similar? Be sure to show this to anyone who loves cute videos with babies.