Adorable Clumsy Kitten Drops His Toy, Makes Sure His Owner Knows He Is Not Happy About It

Oct 31, 2018 by apost team

The antics of cats can be absolutely hysterical. Anyone with a feline companion can tell you about times when their furry friend seemed to be a bit lost in space.

This video is a classic example of how a bit of forgetfulness can lead to a truly adorable moment.

A lovely striped kitty named Caesar loves to play with his owner and his beloved toy, a long and bright wand. He'll bring out the wand in his teeth as a signal that it's time to have some fun.

However, Caesar's scheme went awry when he lost control of his toy.

As he lept on the furniture to deliver the wand, it fell out of his mouth.

Caesar looked absolutely dismayed as he watched helplessly as the wand laid on the floor. Instead of going back down to retrieve the wand, he just meowed in protest. It was as if he was expecting his owner to listen to his demands and get the wand for him.

However, his owner just found the moment worthy of giggles. It's hard not to laugh when you see just how much Caesar's plan fell apart.

Did Caesar's mishap make you laugh? Let us know in the comments. Show this to any friends or family members who are cat lovers.