Adorable Baby Sees Her Mom Clearly For The First Time

Jul 10, 2020 by apost team

Raising kids is one of the most demanding jobs, but children provide precious moments that make it all worth it. Piper Verdusco, who hails from Ohio, was born extremely farsighted, which means that she is unable to see things clearly close up. In a 2015 video, when Piper was less than a year old, mother Jessica Sinclair filmed Piper's adorable reaction when she got her pair of glasses.

When little Piper was 10 months old, according to CBS News, she got her first pair of glasses. The first time she laid eyes on her mom, she looked very happy. Her reaction has been captured on video and posted online. A moment like this is a rare thing to witness. It's so fortunate that this baby is able to see with her new glasses. Most people take the gift of sight for granted, and these moments remind us of how lucky we are.

According to Piper's parents, who Today interviewed back in 2016, ever since Piper received her glasses, she's been doing better and better developmentally. Andrew Verdusco, Piper's father, and Sinclair were worried back in 2015 because their daughter wasn't able to crawl. But it turns out that Piper's early developmental problems were caused by a simple problem: she couldn't see without glasses. 

“She is about to turn 2 and doing great,” Verdusco told Today back in 2016. “We thought there was something wrong because Piper had never attempted to walk or crawl. Then she put the glasses on and everything happened instantaneously.”

Verdusco emphasized that Piper's story demonstrates just how important it is to get your children's' eyes checked even if everything seems normal. Because of Verdusco and Sinclair's quick thinking — they took their daughter to the optometrist at a very young age as soon as they noticed she was having difficulties — Piper's vision could improve and be completely corrected by fourth or fifth grade, Verdusco told Today.

“You don’t have to have a reason to go to the eye doctor,” Verdusco told the news outlet in 2016. “Parents go years without knowing what is wrong, and down the road kids can have eyes that are not working well.”

And another unintended consequence of Verdusco's caution when it comes to his daughter's health is that he and his wife were able to capture what has become an internet sensation: the first time Piper ever wore glasses. 

Her reaction is priceless to watch! Do you have any similar stories of little kids with eye problems? Let us know in the comments. If this story warmed your heart, let your friends know about it.