Activist Becomes Motivational Speaker After Being Named 'World's Ugliest Woman'
Dec 30, 2019 by apost team
Elizabeth Velásquez was born with a rare congenital syndrome called Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy syndrome. Although this condition does not affect brain development or cognition, it does result in a rather odd physical appearance.
Know as Lizzie, this woman should be an inspiration to us all. She has been severely bullied her entire life because of her appearance and yet she has robustly stood up against it all, even when she was called "the world's ugliest woman."
When she was born, she only weighed 2 pounds 11 ounces and distinctly had some sort of congenital disorder; even as a baby she didn't look like your typical baby. The doctors were concerned enough about her appearance that they showed the proud parents a picture of her so they could prepare themselves before showing them the baby.
Despite her odd appearance and the fact that she is almost blind, Lizzie has overcome her years of being severely bullied and her physical condition to become a very successful and inspiring motivational speaker.
Her bullying was extreme and reached a low point in 2006 when some cruel person posted a video of the then-17-year-old on Youtube named "The world's ugliest woman." Some 4 million people viewed the horrific video and even worse, many made cruel, mocking comments about the video.Lizzie unfortunately saw the video and the comments and she said:
“I cried for many nights – as a teenager I thought my life was over,” she said. “I couldn’t bring myself to talk to anybody about it, I didn’t tell any of my friends, I was just so shocked that it had happened.”
She got the best revenge by being successful. In January 2013 she gave a TEDxAustinWomen Talk titled “How Do YOU Define Yourself?” that went viral and she's never looked back. She has even forgiven the person who posted the horrible Youtube video about her.
Marfanoid–progeroid–lipodystrophy syndrome is chiefly characterized by a complete absence of subcutaneous body fat. Although many folks who are a bit chubby might think this is a great thing, subcutaneous body fat is what gives your body and face its shape, provides energy in between meals, and is also essential to help insulate you from the environment. Persons with this condition look skeletal, are always cold, and need to consume multiple meals a day at short intervals just to stay alive.
If you are incredibly inspired by this amazing woman, pass this story to everyone you know.