A Tricky Math Challenge To Tackle: Can You Get The Correct Answer?
Jun 11, 2019 by apost team
Mathematics usually isn't for everyone. People tend to be put off by even the mention of math. However, math puzzles can be fun, too and we would like to prove it to you. The test we have for you will take you down memory lane. Remember when you had to solve them in school?
We also have three options of solutions for you to pick from. So are you ready?
The Benefit Of Brainteasers
Quizzes need your full brain power by using both your wits and your speed. They keep your brain stimulated while at the same time giving you a fun and relaxing break from your everyday chores. Not only do they improve your memory and boost your concentration but constant mental training can also delay mental diseases and make you instantly more attentive throughout your day.
The quiz below is a brainteaser that will challenge your entire brain power. If you get stuck, don't worry: We have put the solution down below. However, give it a real try and don't peek! Are you ready? Let's go!
Can you get the solution? Let's see how fast you are
Do you have an idea already? Really take a closer look to make sure, your theory is right.
The number sequence has a pattern and all you need to do, is to find it.
So, how sharp is your brain? Let's find the solution together
Let's talk about the solution. 5 + 7 ( 2 + 1) = ?
- First,we need to solve the euqation in the brackets: 2 + 1 = 3
- Now we need to tackle the multiplication: 7 x 3 = 21
- So now the actual equation to solve is 5 + 21 = ?
Did you get it? Awesome! Continue to check your solution below.
The solution is: 26. Did you get it without peeking?
Did you get it? Well done! You can be proud of yourself! Challenge your friends as well and pass the quiz along to them to see if they can solve it as fast as you can! Let's spread some fun today.