A Son Posted His Insecure Mother's Painting Online And It Set Off A Chain Reaction Of Creativity

Mar 27, 2019 by apost team

Many great artists have lived in fear that their art isn’t any good. They basically live in a world of self-doubt. They can be very insecure and nervous about their abilities and often are too scared to even try.

Some self-doubt can be so paralyzing that they won’t even bother trying. After all, if they don’t try, they can’t be laughed at, right? It is an unfortunate feeling that many artists deal with every day of their life.

Reddit user Gaddafo decided he wanted to help his mother stick with the art that she loved to do. Cindi Decker, a teacher from Florida, had painted a very pretty picture of an egret. As encouragement, Gaddafo shared it on Reddit. He mentioned that it is only the second painting that she has ever done in her life and that his mother thought that no one would like it.

Another Reddit user who goes by the name “Cacahahadoodoo” wanted the website to take his post a little bit further. They asked if someone would be able to paint the actual picture over again- this time with the son holding the picture. They then asked that the picture is reposted with the same title. They said that whoever was up for the challenge would receive extra karma, a reward that users earn when they post something popular.

Reddit user u/k__z knew that he was up to the task. He painted the picture below of Decker holding the original painting:


Then Reddit user lillyofthenight painted her own picture. In it, she is holding a picture of her own painting, which is of the user u/k__z holding his own painting of Decker and the painting of the egret. She said that it wasn’t perfect, but she was able to paint it for the cause. Confused yet?

A chain reaction of paintings began to appear on the online forum. It quickly became known as “paintception.”

Another Reddit contributor decided to help people keep up with the paintings by creating a very interactive tree that shows the way the paintings relate to each other.

Decker was thrilled that so many people were inspired to paint because of her original drawing. She was happy that she was able to be part of such a crazy online challenge.

We just want to know this - will it ever end?

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