A Pair Of Teeny Weeny Rescued Baby Otters Happily Squeal While Enjoying Their Yummy Morning Meal

Jul 11, 2020 by apost team

With a lot going on in the world, people are advised to take every opportunity to be happy. Today, we bring your attention to a couple of baby otters that will undoubtedly make your day. Animal conservationists save hundreds of wild animals from dangers posed by animal traffickers.

Therefore, it is such a joy when a couple of tiny and extremely adorable young otters enjoy the freedom and care provided by their caregiver. That's certainly on display in this heartwarming 2016 video in which a pair of rescued baby otters happily squeal while eating a breakfast prepared by Spanish adventurer and conservationist Frank Cuesta.

There is nothing cuter on the internet than these two hungry baby otters squealing with joy as they follow a caregiver around expecting to get fed. The couple was saved from animal trafficking and is expected to grow some more before any attempts to reconcile them with the wild are made.

It is the wee hours of the morning, and the caretaker is opening the makeshift cages that also passes as the home to these two adorable creatures. The jumping, squealing, and energy start long before the door to their new home is unlocked and proceeds after being adequately fed.


According to the video, this cute routine is repeated every time they are about to feed. The caretaker takes away the empty bowl while the two otters jump and play around him. He carefully shakes one otter off and proceeds to go and replace the dirty feeding bowl with a clean one.

The squeals peak at this moment, probably due to the realization that their food will be delivered in no time. He then proceeds to fill the bowl with a packet of milk and invites the two furry animals to eat their share. The adorable duo takes turns slurping at the dairy and food while squealing their way through the meal.

These two arrived from a rescue exercise that saved them from the hands of animal traffickers, according to Animal Channel. Animal traffickers illegally transfer animals from one region to the other, usually for harmful reasons. The estimated number of animals that lose their lives or suffer under terrible conditions provided by animal traffickers are significant.

This is the reason why conservationists and law enforcers continually track and protect animal species on the planet. So far, the efforts by concerned parties seem to bear fruit with many animals, including the two adorably squealing otters being saved.

After the animals get rescued from the danger associated with trafficking, they are kept in secure locations for treatment and feeding in preparation for the wild. Wounded animals usually take a long time before they can fully regain their strength and therefore need conservationists' support.

In the case of these two adorable baby otters saved from the jaws of animal traffickers, it will take some time before they finally get old and strong enough to contend with the difficulties of the wild.

Everyone's responsibility is to be on the lookout for animal traffickers if the safety of our wild animals is to be ensured. Combined efforts by animal conservationists and law enforcers saved two little otters from animal trafficking, and the internet gets a taste of something beautiful to watch. The two tiny baby otters follow their caretaker around while squealing for his attention in expectation of food. Nothing is more pleasing to watch than the grace with which they consume their food.

What do you think of the above video? Did you know that baby otters sound like that when they're happy? Let us know and pass this sweet video on to your friends, family members, and fellow animal lovers.