A Mom’s Reaction To Her Daughter Calling Her Fat Is So Perfect It Had The Internet Cheering
Jan 02, 2025 by apost team
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Now more than ever, the importance of body positivity and loving one’s body is seen everywhere. When Allison Kimmey, a mom from Cocoa Beach, Florida, heard her 4-year-old daughter describe her as “fat,” she was stunned. Kimmey recalled overhearing Cambelle tell her brother:
“Mama is fat.”
Posting on her social media account, the 30-year-old mom wrote that she took her young daughter upstairs to talk with her and told her:
“...let’s talk about it. The truth is, I am not fat. No one IS fat. It’s not something you can BE. But I do HAVE fat. We ALL have fat. It protects our muscles and our bones and keeps our bodies going by providing us energy. Do you have fat?”
Campbell confirmed that she, too, had fat in her tummy, and Kimmey further explained that even her son had fat, too, as we all do. When her son denied having any fat at all – saying instead that he just had muscles – the mom decided to educate her children on the human body further about how fat is necessary for the human body to function:
“...actually everyone, every single person in the world has fat. But each of us has different amounts.”
Kimmey’s Instagram account has several posts of herself celebrating her body at each stage of her life, and it’s no surprise that her teaching moment with her two little children went viral.

Kimmey also informed her children that different people have different amounts of fat, which is a commendable way to encourage them to be kind to their bodies and those of others.
“Some people have a lot, and others don’t have very much. But that doesn’t mean that one person is better than the other, do you both understand?” she recalled in her conversation with Cambelle and her brother.
Her message was understood and well received, and she can be proud of herself for teaching her young children to love and appreciate the fat in their bodies. At the end of the conversation, the two children echoed her words, saying:
“...yes! I shouldn't say someone is fat because you can’t be just fat, but everyone HAS fat and it's okay to have different fat.”
Kimmey’s story touched the hearts of many people on the internet, and she shared her reasons for having the conversation with her daughter, writing:
“Fat is not a bad word in our house. If I shame my children for saying it then I am proving that it is an insulting word and I continue the stigma that being fat is unworthy, gross, comical and undesirable.”
Kimmey handled the interaction impressively, earning compliments from many who came across her post. She is writing a children’s book on body positivity and told TODAY Style the importance of parents being a positive force in their children’s lives.
“I want parents to see that we are the loudest voices our children should hear, regardless of any outside noise,” she said. “It is vital that we choose our words carefully and that we are willing to have these hard conversations.”


If you cannot see the photos, please follow the Instagram link below
What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree that all parents should teach their children body positivity and acceptance of themselves and others? Let us know what you think, and then pass this on to all the beautiful people in your life, too!