A Golden Retriever Puppy Called Mango Eats So Fast That Owners Named Him After His Favorite Thing, Food

Sep 06, 2019 by apost team

Blink and you'll miss it. A dog apparently believes that food will disappear unless consumed as fast as possible. That's why he must consume it quickly.

Mango is a healthy, growing Golden Retriever pup who thinks food is the best thing ever invented by anyone. He's gotten so enamored with it he has become the fastest dog food eater on the planet. His owner posted a video on Instagram showcasing this little puppy's talent.


Mango is a polite little glutton. He sits down and waits for the food to arrive. Then, he spies the arrival of his filled food bowl. His mouth starts to quiver. It quivers faster and faster as the bowl moves closer and closer. His owner places the bowl in front of him, and that's when the fun really begins.

The Instagram account is shared by Mango and his older brother, Charlie. The caption reads "This is my 'mouthy mouth.'...I cannot control myself around food. I get so excited that my mouth quivers. Please give me all the food." Not only does he want all the food, he also tries to eat every bite without breathing. He dives into the bowl and starts inhaling every morsel. Never let a good bite of food go to waste!

Watch the video for yourself. You'll enjoy little Mango's reaction to the sight of food. But don't blink. When the food bowl hits the floor, Mango sprints into action, consuming the food at record speed. It's all a quick blur, but totally entertaining.

What do you think of this speed-eating little furry demon? Let us know what you're thinking. Also, let others enjoy it by passing along the link.