A 9-Year-Old Double Amputee Model Hit The Catwalk At Paris Fashion Week In A Gorgeous Debut

Oct 08, 2019 by apost team

Young model Daisy-May Demetre made history by being the first double amputee to walk in a Paris Fashion Week fashion show.

The nine-year-old from Birmingham, England modeled for the brand Lulu et Gigi at a fall fashion show that took place inside the Eiffel Tower. She wore a jacquard dress with a golden cape, part of the brand’s signature fairytale style, and her two carbon blades.


Daisy-May was born with fibular hemimelia reports Reuters Television, a condition that led to her double leg amputation below the knee. In their stead, she wears prosthetics that change depending on the day. Her father says that she doesn’t let her disability hold her back in any way, so when he proposed a modeling career to her, she said yes.

Since that moment a year ago, Daisy-May has been on the catwalks of London, New York and now, Paris. She seems to be enjoying every moment.

“I get my hair done, then I get my make-up done and then I put my dress on, and my legs, and I get on the catwalk. Sometimes I do not even feel different,” she to Reuters Television.

The modeling was a blessing for Daisy-May and her family. When she was first diagnosed, her father had a very difficult time, often turning to drinking and gambling to cope.

“When she was born, we thought it was going to be the end of the world,” her dad said to Reuters Television. “How people were going to look at her and perceive her, like boyfriends, and husbands. Now I see that she was a gift. Her disability is an actual gift and she wears that gift with pride.”

As for the luxury children’s brand’s designer, she had no problem hiring Daisy-May. 

“We bring her among the other girls. We have a curvy teen model. We have models with Down syndrome. Inclusion is for all different children,” Eni Hegedus-Buiron, the brand’s founder, said to Reuters Television.

It’s going to be exciting for Daisy-May and her family as she continues on her skyrocketing modeling career. 

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