97-Year-Old WWII Veteran Is Filled With Pride To Still Be Working At A 'Stop And Shop' Bagging Groceries

Apr 08, 2019 by apost team

An elderly man from New Jersey is receiving some international attention after showing his positive outlook on life. At the ripe age of 97, this veteran is not ready to stop working. Bartholomew Ficeto may not be in his prime years anymore, but he exhibits such a positive attitude on a daily basis.

Even during his day job as a grocery bagger, Ficeto keeps a warm smile on his face. Despite his age, Ficeto has shown great dedication and appreciation for having this job for the past 10 years. He acknowledges working as a fact of life and doesn't allow it to discourage his positive outlook. Sal Marconi works as Ficeto's manager. He only has great things to say about this hard-working veteran. Ficeto became so well-known in the area, that many people started asking for his autograph. Ficeto was more than happy to oblige and is proud of his new-found fame. It seems relatively apparent why everyone would be interested in this man.


It's not every day that customers get to see a 97-year-old man so energetic and lively. Ficeto appears to be in great health and good spirits. According to ABC 7, Ficeto served in World War II as a gunman in the Air Force. He would fly around in a fighter plane. This experience may have been the primary motivator behind Ficeto's positive outlook on life. Ficeto revealed that he feared for his life every time that he had to return to the battle.

Despite all of his fears and near-death experiences, it is amazing to see Ficeto in such good spirits. He made a clear decision to lead the best life possible. This is no small feat considering the condition in which most veterans return. A vast majority of service men and women experience major psychological issues after returning from battle. The government has put many social systems in place to help retired veterans.

There are also countless private organizations and non-profits that seek to improve the lives of service men and women. Phones are also being developed to help improve health care. New phones will allow soldiers to keep track of their health records. This will make it easier for veterans to keep tabs on their overall health.

What do you think about this story? Does Ficeto's outlook on life inspire you? Let us know in the comments and pass this story on to your friends and loved ones – Ficeto could be a role model for all of us!