9-Year-Old Signs Up For 5K Race And Goes On To Win First Place In The 10K Race

Dec 22, 2019 by apost team

Some kids seem born wanting to run, and nine-year-old Kade Lovell is one of them! His mom explains that he is active in every way, running three days a week, and attends break dancing and gymnastic classes as well.

Despite Kade’s active lifestyle, his mom had her concerns when he decided that he wanted to run a 5K race. Mom Heather Boedigheimer-Lovell admits that she was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to finish the race. But what happened stunned everyone!

The 5K race ran alongside a 10K race with all contestants starting on the same track. As Kade ran alongside his opponents, he somehow got confused and took a wrong turn, leading him away from the 5K race and on to the 10K.

Initially, Kade was confused, but he didn’t know what had happened. Only when he began seeing signs for the 10k did he realize that he was on the wrong track. Rather than give up or try to turn around, Kade decided to keep pressing forward.


When Heather saw her son coming down the track, she noticed that he was all alone. While she was sorry that he was in last place, knowing that he had finished such a long race had to make her proud! But what they discovered next blew her mind!

The reason that Kade was running completely by himself was because the other runners, adults and children alike, were far behind him! Amazingly enough, the elementary school student came in first place in the 10K race, making the entire trip in about 48 minutes! The next in line came in a full minute behind him.

When Kade got to the finish line, he was confused about what had happened but overjoyed to discover that he had managed to win the race! Heather reports that she has never seen his face any redder after a race and that her son was totally exhausted.

Despite being worn out, we’re sure that Kade was super excited with the outcome of the race, especially since a 10K had never even seemed like it was within the realm of possibility.

Congratulations to Kade and his family! We’re sure that nothing is going to slow this boy down and look forward to seeing him in future competitions. Have you ever tried to run in a race? Let us know how difficult it was and then use the comment section to congratulate Kade!