9 Warning Signals That You Have A Vitamin C Deficiency

Jul 31, 2018 by apost team

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is an essential nutrient that many people fail to get enough of in their daily diets. From basic lack thereof in quick and easy meals to destroying the nutrient with blending and cooking processes, it’s easy to miss out on your vitamin C. Without enough vitamin C, the body cannot properly protect itself from the harm of toxins, germs, histamine, and viruses.

Wondering if you have a vitamin C deficiency? There are some early warning signals that your body may be giving you that you aren’t getting enough vitamin C in your diet.

1. Unhealthy Hair


Your hair may be dry, full of split ends, and slow to grow. You might even notice hair loss after prolonged periods of vitamin C deficiency. Your body uses vitamin C for essential organs and tissues first and foremost. What this mean is that your hair is on the low end of the totem poll in getting the vitamin when supplies aren’t sufficient. Low levels of vitamin C also interfere with how well you absorb iron, and iron deficiency means that you don’t have enough hemoglobin production to support hair growth and strength.


2. Gum Inflammation And Bleeding


Vitamin C is essential for gum and teeth health. It strengthens the epithelium tissue in the gums to serve as a barrier against the harmful bacteria that can cause dental diseases like periodontitis. When vitamin C levels are low, the gums will often recede and thin. Chewing, brushing your teeth, and other agitations cause the tissue to become inflamed and bleed.

3. Unhealthy Skin


Your skin may be rough, red, and dry due to a lack of vitamin C. Collagen is synthesized by ascorbic acid. Rough patches of reddened, bumpy, and itchy skin on the upper arms, buttocks, cheeks, or thighs from a condition called keratosis pilaris is also commonly caused by vitamin C deficiency.

4. Nosebleeds


The nose is lined with small capillary blood vessels that rely upon vitamin C for strength and support. These are already quite sensitive and frail, but you may experience frequent nosebleeds without adequate amounts of vitamin C supporting them. Nosebleeds are actually one of the primary symptoms in a severe vitamin C deficiency disease called scurvy.

5. Easily Bruised Skin


If you’re noticing a lot of unexplained, unwarranted bruising and aren’t on a blood-thinning medication, then you could have a vitamin C deficiency causing it. Again, capillaries are weaker and more easily injured without the support of vitamin C.

6. Slow To Heal Wounds


Wound healing is supported by vitamin C’s role in binding connective tissues for tissue repair and regeneration. Without enough vitamin C, even the most minor wound may take weeks longer than normal to heal. Potent anti-microbial properties also serve as protection against wounds becoming infected.

7. Suffering Frequent Cold And Flu


If you’re more prone to colds and flu, take longer to get over cold and flu, and don’t otherwise have a disease or treatment process lowering your immunity, then it’s highly likely your vitamin C levels are low. Vitamin C is an antioxidant powerhouse that’s been proven to help stave off cold and flu, lessen their impact, and get you over them quicker. White blood cell production is ramped up by vitamin C when the immune system detects a virus or bacteria.

8. Listless And Tired Moods


Research is linking vitamin C to improvement and avoidance of mood disturbances and psychological stress. One such study by Canada’s McGill University involved giving 500 mg of vitamin C to a study group for 10 days. The researchers used the Distress Thermometer and the Mood States-B tests to determine that it reduced mood disturbances by 71% and psychological distress by 51%. If you’re easily fatigued and can’t seem to shake mood disturbances, then you might consider vitamin C supplements or by increasing your dietary intake.

9. Joint Disturbances


Not getting enough vitamin C is bad for your joint and bone health. Vitamin C protects the cartilage in your joints by acting as a cofactor in collagen synthesis and as a combatant against joint infection and inflammation that leads to certain types of arthritis. Some studies have shown that those with low levels of vitamin C are three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those with adequate levels.

If you suffer any of these nine signals for a vitamin C deficiency, you should consider increasing your vitamin C intake through raw fresh fruit and vegetable sources. If you have any questions, thoughts, or know some other vitamin C deficiency signals you’d like to warn readers about, then please feel free to spread the word!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!