9 Signs Your Girlfriend Is A Keeper And Deserves To Be Treated Better

Nov 15, 2018 by apost team

Relationships are all about appreciating what you do for each other. If you treat a nice girl badly, you will end up feeling the burn when she is done taking all your bad behavior. Instead, you should always make sure you are treating your girlfriend like the queen they are.

It’s important not to be disrespectful or unkind towards anyone, but especially the most meaningful relationship in your life. If you are the bad boy who managed to land a great girl, you won’t have her for long unless you treat her well.

How can you tell if you are treating her right? Only complete fools don’t know how to treat a woman right. But if you need a little extra help, this article is for you. Here are a few signs to discover if she is a great woman that you are treating poorly.


She Responds To Your Texts Right Away, Even If You Didn’t Respond To Her Messages


A good girl values your time as well as her own and she likely won’t want to keep you waiting for an answer. You know she will always be there for you when you call because she always responds. However, if she can’t say the same about you, you know you aren’t treating her right. When she is reliable, you need to make sure you are available for her as well.

She Is Nice Even When You Haven’t Been Kind To Her In Return

When a woman treats you nicely, you know she is a decent person who cares about you deeply. She understands that people are worthy of respect and kindness even when they aren’t acting properly. If you aren’t being kind to her until you need something, you need to start treating your girl better.

She Is Excited to See You, Even If You Ghosted


If you have kept blowing this girl off but she keeps going back for more you need to start treating her with more respect or find someone you actually want to spend time with. Stop playing games and wasting this girl’s time. If you build her hopes up and constantly disappoint her, a self-respecting woman won’t stay for long.

She Doesn’t Play Games, But You Do

If you are a player and like to play mind games, you are likely treating your girl unfairly. If she wants this relationship to be real and true but you are just messing around, then you need to move on and so does she.

She Gives 100% All Of The Time But You Don’t Give Anything At All


This woman is completely invested in your relationship. She has given her heart and soul to work through things and keep things flowing between you when you don’t put any effort into the relationship at all. She is always trying to make up for your lack of effort regardless of how difficult it is for her to accomplish this.

She Wants To Give You Attention Even When You Only Giver Her Yours When It’s Convenient

Even if it isn’t convenient for her, she is always ready to support you and listen to you, giving you all of her attention. She might not even expect you to give as much in return because she wants to help take care of you as much as she can. However, if you are not giving your girl the same amount of devotion, you need to start paying her the attention she deserves.

She Makes An Effort To Know You Even When You Push Her Away


A good woman will want to know you to the depths of your soul, that is why she will always keep trying to understand the different sides of you. She wants to break through your emotional barriers and connect with you on a deeper level. When you don’t let her in and put up your walls, she will end up trying even more.

She Believes In You Even After You Betrayed Her

If you have betrayed your woman, you are not worthy of the belief and trust she chooses to place in you. However, she will often keep on giving because she hopes that in the future you will be worthy of all her effort. If you realize that she is the real deal, don’t betray her trust.

She Wants to See You Happy, Even If You Are The Reason She’s Sad


A good girl will want to see her beau happy. If you keep making her sad, she won’t stick around for long. She is not going to feel fulfilled if the relationship isn’t balanced. A woman of worth will make sure she has her own happiness and won’t put up with poor behavior.

Do you know a guy who needs to work on his relationship? Send him this article to help him learn how to be a better boyfriend.