8 Ways to Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels And End Feelings Of Sadness, Depression And Anxiety Forever

Sep 10, 2018 by apost team

If you know anything about the human brain, you know just how complex and complicated it is. Between the electricity and the chemicals that occur naturally in our brains, each component has its own unique purpose. Some chemicals exist in our brains to make us feel happy. There’s actually a few methods that have been created in order to supercharge these “feel good” chemicals!

Happiness Is Chemical


Although there are tons of different neurochemicals that exist in our bodies, four of them are labeled as these so-called “feel good” chemicals. These chemicals occur naturally when something makes you happy or brings you pleasure, allowing you to feel a pure calmness and immense joy.


What do you do to combat depression and/or anxiety? Let us know what you think about our methods in the comments! And as always, pass this story on to your friends and family to inspire them to change their life! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!

The 4 "Feel-Good-Chemicals"


There are four main ones that exist. They are called dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin. Each and every one of these chemicals plays a significant role in your happiness levels. However, dopamine is known as the main happiness chemical. 

Natural Ways To Make You Feel Happy


There are natural ways to supercharge the dopamine levels that occur in your brain. Performing these simple tasks can have improvements on your day to day life and involve no side effects like medication. They are simple and can be performed by anyone. Simply try one of these 8 methods to boost your happiness: 

1. Try Supplements

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There are some types of natural supplements you can take in order to increase these feel-good brain chemicals and keep yourself happy.

  • Fish oil
  • 5-HTP
  • Curcumin
  • GABA
  • Taurine
  • Rhodiola

They can all have positive impacts on your overall happiness levels and your mental health.

2. Workout


Working out increases the "Feel-Good-Chemicals" and helps reducing stress. It´s a win-win! Your whole body will respond to it.

3. Say "No" To Addictions 


You can stabilize your dopamine level as well as your whole brain´s chemistry with avoiding addictive medications. Make sure to talk to your doctor about it.

4. Music Makes You Happy


There is a reason that listening to music makes you feel wonderful: Melodies you like release dopamine in your brain. That´s why you dance along to your new favorite song.

5. Detox


You can decrease the amount of bad bacteria and toxins in your body that will affect the "Feel-Good-Hormones". The best way for that is to detox your liver.

6. Complete Your Goals


There´s an instant reward for completing a goal: Your brain releases dopamine. It has a positive effect on your whole mind and body if you set positive goals and achieve them. 

7. Eat Dark Chocolate


Or anything else that contains the amino acid "Tyrosine". It is very important for the production of dopamine. You can find it in almonds, bananas, green tea, and dark chocolate. 

8. Applaud Yourself


Appreciate when you have accomplished something. Realize what you have completed and give yourself credit for it. In order to feel happy you have to allow yourself to be proud of yourself, as well.


As you can see, maintaining these feel-good chemicals can be extremely simple but is essential to keeping up with our mental health. Anyone can perform these tasks in order to maintain their happiness and excitement.

Did any of these methods surprise you? What do you do to keep up with your happiness levels? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones who might need some tips as well.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!