8 Things You Didn't Know About Your Bladder

Jun 04, 2018 by apost team

Your bladder just kind of does its job behind the scenes, rarely requiring you to know much about its functioning. Bladders are actually pretty complex, and they do a lot of work for your body. Here are eight things you might not have known about this urine-storing organ. 

Your Pee Reveals What You Ate

Some foods will affect the way your pee looks or smells. If you've eaten something that changes your pee within the past 12 hours, you might see hints of it in the toilet bowl. For example, eating rhubarb can turn your pee dark brown, which is a little terrifying. Carrots can turn it orange and asparagus can make it smell awful.


Your Urine Isn't Sterile

There is a common myth that urine is sterile. That's not the case. Urine can contain illness-causing bacteria. No matter what survivalists tell you, don't drink it. It's what your body didn't want, and it's full of salt, which is terrible if you're dehydrated.

There Are Differences Between Male and Female Bladders 

The main difference between male and female bladders is the length of the urethra. This tube that transfers the urine from your bladder to the outside of your body is longer on men. They get about 7" to 8" of tube. Women only get about 1-1/2", which leads to a higher susceptibility to bladder infections and leakage.

There's No Such Thing As A Small Bladder 

Some people complain that they have a small bladder because they urinate often. That's not because of how big it is. It's probably more a combination of sensation and behavior. Some people feel a fullness before others would. Some people hold their urine longer. It's all about the way your body signals you that you have to pee and how you react to that, barring other physiological problems or increased intake of fluid.

You Probably Pee Around Seven Times Daily 

You're normal if you pee between six and eight times every day. If you drink more or less, you will pee more or less, so always take that into account. Every time you pee, it will last roughly seven seconds.

Your Urine Stream Loses Strength As You Age 

Largely because of prostate swelling, men suffer from a restriction of the urethra as they age. This causes their urine streams to weaken, making it more difficult to relax and empty the bladder. Women don't have prostates, but they can suffer from less flexibility in the related organs and muscles, making it more difficult to push out urine.

3% Of Urine Contains 3,000 Substances 

The 3% of urine that isn't water is urea, which has all of the stuff your body has broken down or discarded. This includes sodium, potassium, and fats. Your doctor can tell a lot about your health by how much of this stuff is in your pee.

Did You Know About Bladder Shyness?

Bladder shyness is a real psychiatric condition wherein people cannot relax their muscles enough to urinate when there are other people within earshot. There are various physical and mental therapies that can help.

Know any more odd facts about your bladder? Let us know in the comments.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!