8 Things Strong Women Couldn't Care Less About

Dec 20, 2018 by apost team

A new year is just around the corner. That comes with resolutions to become a "new you." What if that woman was already inside you? Maybe it's just a matter of letting her out. Here are 8 little ways to become a more kick-ass version of yourself.

1. Don't Follow The Crowd


If you're a strong woman, you know that "majority rules" just doesn't fly. It's so boring to go by what everyone else thinks! You're the master of your own destiny. Define your own thoughts and beliefs, rather than letting someone else do that for you.


2. Don't Put Your Faith In Social Networks


Chances are, if you're a strong woman, you don't spend a lot of time on social media. You just don't care if you get a ton of "likes" on a random post. Your self-worth comes from within. External motivation just doesn't really matter. You're out living your life - you don't need to spend time recording it.

3. Show Your True Colors


It's so easy to hide behind a mask. Lots of people are afraid to be themselves. They think that being vulnerable is too scary. Embrace yourself, mistakes and all. The strongest women are the most real. You don't have anything to be ashamed of. You've come this far, all on your own, and part of that independence is accepting yourself.

4. Let Go Of The Past


What's done is done. You can't go back and change things - as much as you might want to! Accept that the past is just a lesson. You're stronger for what you've been through. Learn to live in the present and see where that takes you.

5. Say Goodbye To Haters


You already know that people talk sh** all the time. Some of it has even been about you. They'll never say it to your face, though. Time to let go of that negativity! So they aren't brave enough to confront you? Haters are always going to be cowards, too. You don't have time for that.

6. Support Yourself Instead


It's been said that "if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." Strong women always grab the bull by the horns. You don't wait around for your Prince Charming to save you. You're saving yourself.

7. You Don't Always Have To Be Nice


A strong woman knows the difference between honesty and rudeness. She lives by the axiom, "Do no harm but take no sh**." She's unafraid to call you out if you're treating her disrespectfully. most real This behavior can take practice. Women are conditioned to just be doormats and put up with everything. A strong woman has had enough. She'll stand up for herself.

8. Question Fashion Trends


A strong woman doesn't care about what's "in" or not. She plays her own game. You know to wear what you're most comfortable in. And if that's considered "tacky" or "weird," who cares? Your self-worth comes first.

How many of these things do you still care about, or are you strong enough to not care about any of them at all? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to the most incredible women you know!