8 Diet Secrets For Beautiful Skin

Dec 29, 2018 by apost team

We often go crazy for skin care products that externally treat our skin. While skin care externally is important, treating yourself on the inside is important for you to have good skin externally too.

Some dermatologists even suggest that making sure you adjust your diet to help fix skin problems may prove to be as important as your skincare regimen itself in some cases.

Hyperpigmentation Diet

Hyperpigmentation involves skin discolouration. Pigment spots on your skin are often viewed as something that isn't fixable without laser treatments or other intense hyperpigmentation treatments.

Pigment spots can sometimes show up in your skin due to a B12 deficiency.

You can also eat other foods to help improve the B12 in your diet. Strawberries, citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwis, pomegranates, tomatoes, grapefruit, spinach, buckwheat, chili peppers, Brussel sprouts, plums, and pineapple are all foods rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants that can help you decrease the appearance of your pigment spots.


Cleaning Up Oily Skin

Oily skin generally is treated by most people with an astringent facial cleanser. Oil can be cleaned up with just some diet adjustments though. Food that is at a high glycemic index can increase the oil production within the sebaceous glands.

Skin with oil is good for moisturizing, but it can involve too much oil production within your skin. One way to limit the amount of oil your skin is producing so you don't have to constantly powder your face or wipe it with a mattifying paper is to add more foods rich in vitamin A into your diet.

Examples of foods rich in vitamin A are mangos, carrots, apricots, egg yolks, sweet potatoes, and spinach. These are easy to add to your daily meals. Another thing you can do to help eliminate your excessively oily skin is to decrease the amount of food you eat that is rated at a high glycemic rate. Avoid eating too much white bread, potatoes, and wheat pasta noodles.

Clear Up Acne

Acne is one of those skin afflictions that everyone detests. No one enjoys having burning red acne spots or a lot of blackheads clogging up their pores. Exfoliating your skin and using an acne skin product containing salicylic acid is one way to help clear up your acne. Another method is to remove foods with a high glycemic index from your diet and to add more foods with polyunsaturated fatty acids into your diet.

Overactive oil glands can cause more oil production and increase the likelihood of your skin suffering from acne. So do what you can to remove higher glycemic index foods from your meals. Polyunsaturated fats foods will help to decrease inflammation within your skin and therefore help to clear up the breakouts. Some examples of foods like this are seaweed, walnuts, vegetables, flax seeds, fruit, and linseed oil.

Hydrate Dry Skin

Skin dryness always benefits from a good facial moisturizer, but it also can benefit from more vitamin E and cholesterol in your diet. Many vegetarians suffer from very dry skin because cholesterol is present in meat and fish. Adding fish, beans, seaweed, eggs, soy, avocado, peanuts, and other kinds of nuts to your diet to add more cholesterol and vitamin E into your diet will help to improve your skin's hydration.

Get Rid of Under Eye Circles

Under eye circles can mean a few different things. It can be due to a lack of sleep or because of food intolerances or allergies that you haven't taken care of. You can try eliminating common foods that people are intolerant to so you can try to fix the problem that way.

Lactose intolerance is a common reason for under eye circles. Remove anything in your diet that has dairy in it to see if you can adjust the appearance of the dark circles that way. You may also be dehydrated. Drink more water and decrease the amount of caffeine you consume to see if that will help the under eye circles.

You could also try to add more iron to your diet to solve the problem. Red meat, eggs, tuna fish, and buckwheat will increase your hemoglobin levels and potentially improve under eye circles.

What did you think of these dietary tips? Which one will you be trying out first? Let us know - and make sure to pass it along to your friends, we're sure they will appreciate it!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!