7 Signs There's Greatness Within You

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

Most of us start off believing that we are truly destined to be awesome at one point or another. One day, we all recognize that we have the potential to be great! 


However, time can be cruel. As we grow up and experience new people and places we often stop thinking that we can be great. Society has a way of knocking those thoughts right out if you. But it is never too late. You have a greatness in you that doesn't want to be held back any longer. All you have to do is believe in yourself and work hard

There are certain characteristics of people who have been designed for greatness. Read on for seven of them.


1. You can be relentlessly persistent


Do you stand up when you get knocked down? Do you push forward against adversity and misfortune? If so, this is a sign that you are definitely destined for greatness. Being persistent is a quality that all successful individuals have. It’s natural to experience failures and setbacks on your way to the top. It’s how persistent you are through them that really shows the kind of person you are. Being persistent proves that you won’t give up until you get what you want.

2. You don’t fail


Everyone fails at something now and again. However, it is the way you look at it that really matters. Treat your failures as building blocks when they happen. Every failure is a learning experience that will help you get closer to your goals. When you look at failures in this way, you never really fail. This quality isn’t very easy to achieve. We all hate failing at things- it is simply human nature. Just try to look at your setbacks as lessons and move on.

3. You can easily solve problems


This is similar to being resourceful. If you have the natural ability to solve any problem that comes your way, then you are basically meant to be an entrepreneur. Being able to solve problems with little effort means that you are going to do great things in your lifetime - Why? Problem-solving is extremely critical to pretty much everything that we do. We have to solve problems every day of our lives, even if we don’t step foot out of our homes. Maybe it is a common day-to-day challenge that makes you stop and think, or maybe you have to come up with a big idea for your business. Whatever it is you have to do, the ability to come up with a creative solution means you are destined for big things.

4. You know that you have the power to change the world


Many of us think that we do not have the power to change the world. We feel as though we have little say in what will happen to us in the future. But knowing that change is really in your hands is a very healthy sign that you are destined for great things. You are aware that you can change what happens to you in the future. You know that you have the power to make a difference in the world around you, even if it is just a little bit at a time.

5. You are resourceful


Are you good at coming up with different ideas and ways to make things happen when it seems as though the odds are stacked against you? If you are naturally resourceful, this is a very good skill to have. It will help you achieve whatever it is you want out of life. Resourcefulness is an extremely important quality for a person to have.

6. You ask a ton of questions


Becoming a great person means becoming a more knowledgeable person. To do so, you have to be willing to set aside personal pride and ask questions. It could be as simple as raising your hand to ask your teacher a question in class, or maybe you are willing to step out of your personal comfort zone. If so, you are destined for greatness for sure!

7. You don’t let anything get in the way of your goals


When you start a project, are you the type of person who will always finish it? If you make sure that you complete any task that you start, and you don’t allow yourself to quit just because things get difficult, then you are someone who is destined for greatness in this world. You know what you want and you are not afraid to reach for it.

Do you have any words of wisdom to add to this article? If so, let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this on to others. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts!