7 Effective Morning Routines That Strengthen Your Mind

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

Life can get very busy when you are striving to be a successful entrepreneur. But how do these successful people make it through the craziest of days? A successful day starts with a successful morning. You have to wake up mentally tough. You need determination, mental willpower, and grit to help you handle what life throws your way. So what if you don’t feel mentally tough in the morning?

Thankfully, these simple techniques will help you start your morning off strong. Incorporating these habits into your morning will help you become mentally resilient.

They talk to friends or family before work.


You don’t have to sacrifice everything else in your life for your job. The busiest people out there know they need to stay strong mentally to be successful. They know you need a life outside of work. Schedule time for your family and friends when you can. Connect with someone who is important to you at the beginning of your day. This could be a cup of coffee, breakfast, or even just a phone call. It can lift your spirits before the start of your day.


They do not compare themselves to others.


Do you check Facebook or Instagram the very first thing in the morning? You are getting your day off to a bad start. Seeing your friends being seemingly perfect on Facebook can affect your day. You are only seeing the highlights of their lives. You aren’t seeing the reality. However, this may cause you to dwell on your own life. You only need to compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Stay focused on what you can do and how you can improve yourself. Only view social media after your day is over. Focus on yourself until then.

They prioritize self-care and health.


Being physically strong can have a strong effect on being mentally strong. Cardio exercises can reduce stress and anxiety as well. Many successful people start their day off with a good exercise. They channel all the stress and anxiety into their workout to avoid it throughout the rest of the day. Life can get busy, especially as an entrepreneur. Putting time into yourself is very important. Eat a good meal and take care of your body. This is an investment in yourself. If you don’t take the time to invest in yourself, you will get worn down and tired, physically and mentally.

They finish their hardest work first.


Throughout the day, your motivation deteriorates. Because of this, the most difficult tasks should get done first. You will have more energy to get it done first thing in the morning. When you start to get tired and lack motivation, you will be grateful to only have the easier tasks left to get done. It will feel extremely easy compared to what you did earlier in the day. Don’t waste your morning answering all of your emails. Answer what you have to and leave the rest for later in the day. This is usually an easier task and can provide a break later on in the day.

They hold onto their power.


There are many times you may think to yourself “my mother-in-law is driving me crazy”. Expert Amy Morin says thinking this way gives your power away. Instead of thinking like this, think to yourself “my world is what I make it”. Instead of complaining or dreading the day ahead of you, this of it as an opportunity to be successful. Believe you are in control of your day and you will start to control your day.

They practice visualization.


This is a practice used by champion U.S. Olympians. When they have a tough marathon or swim, they visualize the motions it is going to take to finish the race. This helps boost mental willpower. While they use it in a world known race, you can use it to get through your paperwork. Visualize what it will take to get through a task. This will give you the confidence you need to get through it and find unique solutions.

They practice self-positivity. 


It is estimated that every single minute, we say anywhere from 300 to 1,000 words to ourselves. The U.S. Navy SEALs say the power of positive self-talk is very important. SEALs are able to tough out many difficult situations every day by thinking positively. If they are able to do this, then you can get yourself through a bad Monday. Think about how great your day is going to be before it fully starts. If you start to have a bad day, take a minute to yourself and give yourself some positive affirmations. This could turn your whole day around.

Do you have any advice on staying mentally strong? How do you start your day? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to show this article to your loved ones - these are some morning routines everybody should know about!