5th Grade Boys Stand On Stage In Beach Towels - Their Talent Had The Audience In Stitches

Apr 03, 2019 by apost team

Talent shows give kids a chance to showcase pretty much of everything, and we appreciate them for their efforts. You have probably attended many talent shows and likely to attend more. As for these 5th graders, they wanted to do something different. They had a play so unique that no one had witnessed such before.

Eight boys walked into the stage, lined up from the shortest to the tallest. All had shorts, socks, blue swimming caps, towels and swimming goggles as part of the play's costume. They stopped for a moment, and one of them dropped his towel, and the rest followed.

At this point, the audience is clueless about what the play is all about. Behind them is a blue lining that resembles ocean water.

The shortest one from the furthest end then walks behind the blue lining, and slowly the rest follow. Behind the blue lining, the boys line up vertically with the shortest one at the front and the tallest behind them all. They stand momentarily for everyone to be silent and for them to settle.


The audience is now taking photos before the show starts. They lift their hands and follow some memorized patterns one after the other as the shortest one at the front air dives behind the lining. The rest follow, and the audience is now in stitches.

They emerge and start air swimming like dolphins. There is music in the background.

They dance and play to the music gently, each one mastering their part in the play. Towards the end, the blue lining is moved behind to reveal the boys lying on the floor with their stomachs on the floor and legs in the air. This concludes their piece.

You can’t help but notice how excited the audience was. The play was short but beautiful. Are your kids struggling to find something for the talent show? You can let others learn about this beautiful play. We would also like to know what you think about this performance.