5 Signs You Have Bed Bugs And How To Get Rid Of Them

Aug 27, 2018 by apost team

Did you know that bed bugs are back on the rise? Studies suggest that these small creatures are growing as an epidemic. At the very least, bed bugs can prove to be mildly irritating for a person. At the very most, a serious bed bug infestation can lead to skin rashes and allergies. These annoying critters tend to cause some psychological problems as well, occasionally leading to phantom itchiness and paranoia.

If you are looking to fend off a bed bug infestation, here are some tips on how to do so.

1. Learn to Identify Bed Bugs


This step is crucial in rooting out bed bugs. Because bed bugs are small and great at hiding, it can take months before you even realize that you've got a bed bug problem. In the meantime, the bugs are using that valuable time to grow a strong base of numbers. Learn how to recognize a bed bug early on and you might be able to curb a big infestation. Here is what a bed bug looks like:

Reddish-brown in color.
Long and oval-shaped body.
Flat or balloon-ish in appearance.
About the size of an apple seed. Very small.


2. Recognize the Bed Bug Symptoms

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Oftentimes, a bed bug infestation is hard to identify because you may not see them. These insects specialize in hiding in your mattress or couch, then crawling out at night to feed on your blood. But there are some small signs to look for when it comes to bed bugs:

Are there small bites on your body? These bugs may be feeding on your blood. Do you have an unexplained rash or scab? Bed bugs tend to cause skin irritation. Have you been feeling itchy lately? Do you see tiny black lumps on your mattress or furniture? These dark spots may be bed bug droppings. Have you spotted red or rust-colored stains? These reddish stains may be your blood left by bugs. 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have an infestation on your hands. Try looking for them under your mattress, where they tend to hide.

3. Clean Out the Infested Area


Start by putting all of your clothing, sheets, and blankets into a dryer. Dry all of your belongings to ensure that the bugs don't cling on to these things. Then thoroughly vacuum the room that is infested; cover the floor, the mattress, and any furniture in the room. Steam cleaning can also help.

4. Seal Off the Furniture


Try to cover your infested mattress or furniture with a bug-proof covering. This is to prevent the insects from returning. A plastic covering should do the job. Use this covering for as long as needed. 

5. Use Bed Bug Products


Luckily for you, there are insect products designed specifically to ward off bed bugs. You have both toxic and non-toxic products to choose from. If you aren't able to find a bed bug killer at your local store, try ordering from an online retailer. Bug spray products typically come with labeled instructions, so be sure to follow those instructions exactly.

Think that you might have bed bugs? Take action now before it turns into a serious problem!