5 Effective Ways To Deal With Criticism

Aug 08, 2018 by apost team

Criticism is not easy to hear from others. Not everyone understands what we are going through or where we have been. You can’t live to please everyone around you. Getting advice from others that are closest to you is great. It can help you grow as a person. However, there is a fine line between advice and criticism, especially when you don’t ask for it. No one knows you better than yourself! Here are 5 ways to turn criticism into a more positive experience.

1. Take some deep breaths.


Taking a few deep breaths can help in multiple ways. It gives you time to process what you have just been told. It also helps lower your heart rate so you won’t react as harshly as you normally would have. This helps you decide what to do next with a more clear head. You may come up with a calm and valid response. You may also decide you need to just walk away from the conversation.


2. Remind yourself its not personal.


When someone gives you criticism, it may not be about you. It could just be a reflection on them and their own insecurities. Remind yourself that the criticism might not have anything to do with you. They are the one with a problem and you need to just let it go.

3. Find the truth.


Be open minded. Is there any truth to what this person is telling you? Maybe you are just taking it as criticism because your ego is reacting harshly to it. Try finding the truth behind their statement and learning something from it. Maybe there is something to learn from the criticism handed to you.

4. Use it to get stronger.


If you are a sensitive person, you probably have trouble hearing criticism. Like it or not, criticism is a part of life. There are people out there that like to criticize. Use it to make yourself stronger. You can build from the criticism. Learn from it and move on!

5. Stay true to yourself.

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Many people around you don’t understand everything you have been through. You are the only one who knows everything about you. You know who you are. Stay true to yourself. Do what is best for you no matter what others say. Use the criticism or ignore it. You are the only one who knows exactly what you should do. Stay true to who you are and accept yourself as you.

How do you handle criticism? Do you let it get you down or do you turn it into something more positive? Let us know!