42 Occasions When It Makes Sense To Lie As Explained By Vlogger Who Gives Women Safety Pointers

May 21, 2021 by apost team

Most women have been in uncomfortable situations in public before. We're not talking about situations where you feel uncomfortable because somebody is being too loud or an irritating noise grates your ears. We're talking about situations where you just felt something was off about the person you are talking to; where you get this undercurrent of a tense feeling that tells you you're just not safe right now.

Sometimes this is caused by overtly dangerous situations, such as a fight breaking out in a bar or sports place. Things like these can quickly pull in completely innocent bystanders. However, sometimes women feel unsafe in a situation a man might not think twice about. Situations that seem innocent and not worthy of caution at first, but may actually be dangerous under the surface.

Most often, these kinds of moments happen when a complete stranger strikes up a conversation with a woman. While it may seem flattering that you've caught the eye of somebody with your charms, many women actually feel uncomfortable being asked personal questions by somebody they have never met. Unfortunately, this dislike stems from real-life examples of when these questions where not so innocent after all.

Cathy Pedrayes has a series of TikTok videos where she gives women tips for these kinds of situations. They range from such things as traveling alone via public transportation, waiting for friends in a public place, or even just sitting on your own in a cafe and enjoying some me-time. Pedrayes has a very quick and easy solution to times when a woman needs to get out of these situations in a non-confrontational way: lie.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 

Cathy Pedrayes first rose to prominence on TikTok, where she continues to post videos until this day. According to her website momfriendguide.com, she gained her reputation as TikTok's "Mom Friend" after she posted a video explaining the contents of her self-made first aid kit, which she kept in her car in case of emergencies. This included the usual things like water and plastic bags, but also less common things such as emergency sugar rations for diabetics and even paper cups in case of eye puncture wounds. The video reached roughly two million views and had TikTokers refer to her as "the mom friend of the group."

Pedrayes readily embraced this label and started making videos about safety tips, life hacks and tricks, and regularly gives advice on a wide range of topics, for example, what to look out for in your house because it may be a fire hazard. She usually shoots her videos wearing the same signature blue dress and white pearls combo that some commentators describe as a "classic middle-aged mum style." She refers to this style in tongue-in-cheek style on her TikTok profile, calling herself the "CEO of the blue dress & pearls."

Apart from her career on TikTok, Pedrayes has also worked as a TV host for QVC, TV presenter, and model. Some of her fans have turned several of her safety tip videos into compilations to share them more readily with each other and the wider world. One such seven-minute compilation features all the tips Pedrayes has for women who are caught in an uncomfortable conversation with random strangers.


Each seperate video section focuses on a different scenario or situation. The advice is always for that moment when a somewhat shady stranger starts asking details about you, your personal life and circumstances. Pedrayes offers small, easy-to-remember lies that women can tell in situations like these where you really don't want to engage with the stranger but don't want to be too confrontational.

For example, if a too friendly stranger asks whether the hotel you are standing in front of is yours, Pedrayes urges women to respond: "No, just waiting for a friend." 

A lot of her advice refers specifically to women traveling or being out in public on their own. She advises never to tell strangers that you are traveling alone, never accept car rides from a stranger and generally not give out exact details about the hotels you are staying at. She also mentions that you should always refer to friends or family that are waiting for you, so the stranger knows somebody will miss you soon.

Several commentators have questioned whether all these tips are actually necessary. On one of her videos for staying safe at college, common complaints include that you will never meet new friends or get to know people if you constantly lie. Other commentators complain that women follow these tips and then whine that they cannot find a date. Many even go so far as to call Pedrayes paranoid for seeing danger in situations where there is none.

Other commentators, however, are very thankful for Pedrayes quick lie tips. One woman talking in the YouTube comment section summed it up with the words: "We know that not all men are predators. But we can't tell which men from looking. So it's better to lie in general and miss out on a few dates than to end up a victim of crime once."

What do you think about Pedrayes' safety tips? Do you think they are unnecessarily paranoid, or do you agree that women can never be cautious enough? Tell us what you think and pass this story along to your friends and family.

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