4 Compelling Reasons Why You Can't Stay In Touch With Your Ex

Jul 06, 2018 by apost team

Breakups suck -especially when YOU are on the receiving end. They can come in like a wrecking ball leaving you bruised, battered and likely heartbroken. It's human nature to drive yourself crazy questioning whether you could have salvaged the relationship. And as painful as it sounds, you will probably never know.

I hate to be "negative Nancy", but as someone who has been in your shoes a couple of times before, I have to be frank with you -LET IT GO. Sure, you're hurt. You have every reason to be. Don't put on a show. You are only human, and we all have the right to honor our emotions, but the fact of the matter is, the relationship is over. Now its time to move on.

My advice? Spend a little time alone to get your thoughts in order. You may even call a trusted friend to vent to. But leave it there. See, most relationships are just phases of life. We may have thoughts of spending forever with someone, but sometimes their train of thought is elsewhere. This doesn't mean that we are unworthy of being loved. Sometimes we just want different things out of life. Or maybe things were moving too fast. Whatever the case, you must continue to live YOUR life. You deserve to be happy. But whatever you do, do NOT try to remain in contact with your ex... EVER!

I know what you are thinking. You two were once very close, so wouldn't it make sense to remain friends afterward? Short answer- NO! Here's why:


1. You Will Be Unable To Heal Past Wounds

Do not prolong your healing process! Sure, you can try to keep things simple, with the "just checking on you" and the "I hope your day is going well" texts, but ultimately you will find yourself secretly hoping that you two can work things out. Though break up to make up scenarios exist, it's not wise to wait around for them. Just cut ties early so that you can truly heal.

2. You Need To Make Room For "The New"

After a breakup, your life changes drastically. You likely have more time on your hands. Be careful not to substitute past time spent with your once lover with OBSESSING about them. You will need to completely clean house. Spiritually, mentally AND emotionally. Release the heaviness of your heart and prepare yourself for new beginnings- a fresh start.

3. You Will Trick Yourself Into Thinking There Is Hope

Don't be delusional. Your relationship is over. Your ex is a worry of your past now. Staying in talks will have you feeling hopeful over a dead relationship. The sooner you are able to except the reality of your situation, the faster you'll be over it!

4. You Will Make It Hard To Make Peace With The Past

Understand that the past must be left there. The only things that you should carry with you are positive memories and lessons learned. The rest isn't useful to you. You have your entire life to live, and the only way to reap the fruits of the present is to live in the NOW.

So how do YOU feel about keeping in touch with an old flame? Let us know your thoughts and pass this article on to the friends or family who need to read this!