3-Year-Old Girl Disappears - She Is Found 15 Hours Later With A Dog Crouched Over Her

Nov 20, 2018 by apost team

How much do you love your dog? Do you believe that your dog would stay by your side in a time of need? Sometimes, our animals are put to the test under dire circumstances. In this case, a 3-year-old, named Victoria, disappeared from her home on a freezing cold evening in February. Her family was terrified of what could happen to their daughter.

The little girl took off alone and ended up getting lost in the woods that resided behind her home. The toddler had initially left her home because she had believed that her dog, named Blue, had wandered off. This caused Victoria to sneak out of her home all by herself to go locate and bring back her beloved pet.

Once her disappearance was known, her rural hometown of Cordes Lakes, located in Arizona, was terrified. For 15 straight hours, rescue teams looked all around the area for the girl. As people were just beginning to lose hope of finding the little girl, a helicopter team finally found Victoria, lying in the bed of a creek. But no one was ready for what they found next to her: her dog, Blue. The rescuers realized that Blue had stayed by Victoria’s side all night, for 15 hours after she had initially left her home. The dog was immensely loyal to the girl, as he had known her since she was born. Even when temperatures kept dropping and it was below freezing outside, the dog never left her side. When medics arrived on the scene to rescue her, the dog was very protective and didn’t want to allow these strangers to touch his companion. He showed signs of aggression in the name of protecting his human.


Thankfully, Victoria was able to stand up and smile with relief as she knew they were saved, leaving Blue to relax as he knew the crisis was over. The pair were sent in a helicopter to ride to safety and the emergency was called off. Although Victoria ended up getting treated for frostbite, she will make a full recovery and her family is immensely thankful to the dog for staying with their daughter and saving her life.

The companionship and warmth that he provided during her 15-hour time missing were critical to her survival. Surely, this will bond animal and human together forever as they have been through extreme distress together. Do you think your dog would stay by your side in these dire circumstances? All we know is that we should never underestimate an animals' ability or loyalty ever again! Blue should be admired as a hero after his valiant effort to save Victoria!

Do you have a dog yourself? If so, let us know about the special bond you share and don't forget to tell others about this dog's heroic act!