3-Year-Old Boy Taunted For Being A Redhead By Teenagers On City Bus

Sep 24, 2019 by apost team

A young boy of only three years old was hurled some harsh insults when he was sitting on a bus with his mom. Noah Gilbert started to resent his hair color after the teens bullied him.

Noah Gilbert and his mom Lauren Russell boarded a bus in Southampton in the UK just like any regular Monday. It was then when Lauren heard some teens, who she estimated to be around 13, say some horrible things about redheads. The Mirror reports that she heard them say "I would hate my child to be ginger, I would kill it" and "All kids with ginger hair should go straight to social services" from her post on Facebook.


The post quoted in the paper went on to say that she turned around and confronted the boy only to be met with the excuse that he didn't know her son was ginger. Even the bus driver noticed and asked the family if they were okay. After the incident, Noah had all of a sudden become aware of his hair color.

He started to call his red hair "horrible" and said that he wished he looked like his siblings who were blonde. Lauren and her partner Nathan were initially worried about bullying towards Noah but didn't realize it would happen at such a young age. The family rallied together to make sure that Noah knew how great and special his hair was, and his mom went one step further. She took to Facebook to write that post and inspired people to send encouraging messages.

The kind words started to come in from all around the world and cheered Noah up immensely. That isn't all — because Lauren saw the boys all the time on the bus she knew she could go to their school's headmaster to let him know about their behavior.

What do you think about Noah's enterprising mom? Did she do the right thing and go to Facebook and the boys' headmaster to protect her toddler? Let us know what you think.