25 Foods That Can Slow Down Aging In Women

Aug 24, 2018 by apost team

There’s a universal truth that all humans share, and that is that we age with each new day. While there’s not really a miracle serum to turn back the hands of time or some magical fountain of youth to stop time, there are choices to make that can significantly help slow the aging process.

So, before you go drinking from strange fountains, take a look at what’s on your plate. It’s these choices that will hold the keys to a more youthful appearance. Take a look at these top 25 anti-aging foods.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!


1. Apples


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A single apple contains around 17% of the recommended daily amount of protein. As you age a number of disease processes from arthritis and tendinitis to heart disease can cause a great deal of inflammation in the body. Quercetin in apples helps to keep inflammation at bay and minimize inflammatory-related pain.

2. Almonds


These nuts are rich in antioxidants, protein, healthy fats, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Just a handful per day gives your metabolism and energy levels a boost; keeps hair, nails, and skin looking young; and improves cholesterol and heart health. The fiber in almonds can help you maintain a healthy weight and stay fuller longer.

3. Walnuts


Walnuts are also rich in protein, omega-3, and antioxidants. Aside from skin and metabolic boosts, walnuts are particularly fantastic for a heart-healthy diet. BMC Medicine found that a handful of walnuts per day can reduce the risk of a heart attack by 40% or more.

4. Carrots


Most people know that carrots are good to keep eyes healthy, but did you know that the beta carotene in carrots also slows down
skin cell deterioration? They’ll flush and cleanse the body, protect against inflammation, and act as a cancer preventative. Eat at least half a cup of raw carrots everyday for the best results.

5. Blueberries


Innumerable studies have linked blueberries as a preventative against brain cell damage that can cause memory and cognitive issues, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  Rich in and   pterostilbenes and anthocyanins, blueberries have been found to fight oxidant and inflammatory DNA damage, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. Some studies have shown that blueberries block carbohydrate metabolism in the intestine by up to 90%, a fact that can decrease insulin resistance and naturally fight elevated blood glucose levels.

6. Cherries

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Anthocyanin in cherries blocks inflammation. They also work to   neutralize free radicals and protect you from a number of age-related ailments like a weakened lung, heart, nervous, and digestive systems. Studies have found cherries beneficial in preventing hair loss, cancer, wrinkled skin, and vision issues. You’ll get an immunity boost, too, especially when it comes to stomach, lungs, intestine, urinary, and colon infections.

7. Eggs

Topically, egg yolk is an ancient remedy for dry, brittle hair. By being high in protein, biotin, fatty acids, lecithin, choline, and lutein, eating an egg a day is actually quite healthy. They’re antioxidant powerhouses designed to nourish the hair, skin, and nails from the inside out. You’ll also get some bone strength benefits.

8. Cheddar


Cheddar cheese is actually good for your “say cheese” moments. It helps maintain good pH levels in the mouth to prevent cavity formation, dry mouth, and tooth discoloration. 1.1 oz of cheddar cheese provides the protein,  calcium, and phosphorus to strengthen tooth enamel and naturally whiten teeth.

9. Dark Chocolate


Who’d like to celebrate that eating chocolate is good, not bad, for you? Dark chocolate is an antioxidant and loaded with iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and flavonoids. Benefits include improved blood flow and lower blood pressure, lower risk of diabetes, and reduced inflammation, Make sure the chocolate is at least 70% raw cacao, though; the higher the percentage, the more antioxidant value. Dark chocolate is also a mental booster to stave off depression and anxiety and to stabilize your mood.

10. Grapefruit


Loaded with vitamin C, grapefruit are immunity builders. They’re also fantastic to protect the skin from premature aging. Try alternating oranges and grapefruits in your breakfast menu.

11. Oranges


Oranges, too, are loaded with vitamin C immunity and skin benefits. They’ve also been studied as an oxidant for bad cholesterol.

12. Kale


This green, leafy vegetable is often avoided for its bitterness. However, it’s vitamin K content is almost unrivaled at an  astounding 1180% of your total daily intake. You’re getting almost 100% of your intake of vitamins A and C, and the nutrient list literally looks like a multivitamin chart with manganese; copper; fiber; calcium; potassium; vitamin E; vitamins B2, 1, 6,  and 3; iron; magnesium; omega-3 fatty acids; folate; and phosphorus. It’s no wonder studies have found that two servings of kale per day can ward off cognitive decline by up to 11 years and significantly improve brain function.

13. Spinach


Spinach, like Kale, is a powerhouse when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Add just a cup per day to salads, sauces, and soups to protect yourself against multiple age-related ailments and diseases.

14. Green Tea


Polyphenols in green tea block bad cholesterol from building up and sticking around in the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart and vascular disease. Plus, you’ll get a boost in your skin elasticity and ability to ward off wrinkles.

15. Lentils


They’re rich in fiber, low in calories, and a healthy source of protein. A lack of vitamin B9 has been linked to premature gray hair. Lentils are rich in this B vitamin. They make a great addition to bean soups and salads.

16. Milk


For healthy teeth and bones, milk is the go-to source of anti-aging nutrition. Few things are richer in calcium and Vitamin D than  milk. Three glasses of low-fat milk per day is a great recipe to keep teeth strong and ward off osteoporosis.

17. Yogurt


Of course, as a milk product, yogurt provides the calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth. However, it’s also a probiotic of healthy organisms to help with digestive health and prevent yeast and bacterial infections.

18. Oysters


Eye health relies upon zinc and vitamin A, both of which are found in oysters. The National Eye Institute recommends a diet rich in zinc to prevent macular degeneration. So far as the skin goes, zinc is essential for wound healing, protein synthesis, and collagen formation.

19. Salmon


This is one of the most healthy sources of fish you can eat. It’s loaded with omega-3 fatty acids to promote good cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol, and support your nervous system. The natural oils are also fantastic for radiant and healthy-looking skin, hair, and nails.

20. Sardines


Sardines are rich in vitamin D and calcium, making it a good source for the lactose intolerant people. Do be careful with sardine selection, however, since many are loaded with sodium that promote inflammation and go against a heart-healthy diet.

21. Shiitake Mushrooms


A lack of copper also leads to premature gray hair. Half a cup of Shiitake mushrooms per day provides your recommend allowance of copper and can call a cease and desist on the gray hairs.

22. Strawberries


Strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, and other dark red fruits contain polyphenols that act to mitigate age-associated cellular damage and lessen the risk of age-related mental diseases like Alzheimer’s.

23. Sweet Potatoes


With around 200%-400% of your daily allowance, another carotenoid-loaded veggie is the sweet potato. Eat half to a whole sweet potato instead of a white baked potato.

24. Tomatoes


Carotenoid and antioxidant rich, tomatoes can do wonders for the skin’s appearance when part of a well-balanced diet.

25. Whole Grains


Refined grains, such as white pastas and white breads, often destabilize blood sugar, which can cause skin breakouts, weight gain, and other undesirable effects. Switch to unrefined whole grains that are rich in fiber and help rid the body of bad cholesterol and fats. Quinoa is a great option for those that need gluten free, plant-based, protein with calcium and iron.

How many of these foods do you eat on a daily basis? Are you ready to embrace an anti-aging diet to better manage your overall health and longevity? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones and tell them about your anti-aging diet.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!