16 Things You'll Notice When You're Around An Empath

Jul 06, 2018 by apost team

Some people have what many call the “it” factor. This is the person in your life that you are constantly drawn to that exudes a certain magnetism, strength, and authentic empathy that no one else that you have ever known seems to have. This type of person is usually defined as an empath. This is someone who has a natural ability to entice people, unknowingly, into their aura and personal orbit because they are able to genuinely understand someone else’s experiences and take in their emotions as if they were their own.

If you are unsure if you truly know an empath, here are some characteristics to look for:

1. They are always at their physical and emotional limit

Because one of the major components of an empath is to carry the emotional burden of others as if it is their own, empaths tend to also be emotionally spent to the point of exhaustion on a regular basis because it is hard for them to just let the feelings of others go.


2. Their emotions are like a “raw nerve”

Taking in everyone else’s emotional experiences is not hard for an empath; in fact, part of their makeup is to be a veritable raw nerve that is constantly open and aware of the emotional needs of those around them and to act upon those feelings to comfort others as part of their natural gift.

3. Social groups give them anxiety

Empaths have an unusual quality of not only being extroverts but also introverts. Because of their innate ability to take in so much emotion around them, a multitude of social situations will leave them feeling spent, so they need time alone to rejuvenate themselves.

4. They don’t overuse stimulants

As people who are constantly on the verge of an emotional reaction, adding stimulants to the equation like caffeine, alcohol, and drugs only leads empaths down the road to increased stress and anxiety disorders, so they tend to understand that they need to have firmly set boundaries when it comes to overusing these.

5. They hate liars

Empaths have a natural instinct to be able to sense when someone is telling a lie because of their gift for understanding human nature and emotions. They are truthful to a fault because of this, and so they avoid people who lie at all costs.

6. They are unique and show it

One of the qualities that shine through with empaths is that they take pride in their level of honesty and raw emotion, so they most often present themselves without a façade and as they naturally are as human beings. They have a deep insight into their own faults, and they are not afraid to show it to their friends and family and explain that they are an emotional project that they are working on.

7. They wear their empathy on their sleeve

This is the heart of an empath who is not afraid to show all their emotions to anyone who is open to it. They also can’t get others pain out of their minds and will obsess over it to the point of talking about it to others and may even have to refrain from watching or reading the news because it is too emotional for them.

8. They give good advice

Because empaths can take it everything that you share with them and process it with clarity, they are usually the people that you think of first when you need advice on something that is life-altering. They make people feel like they have a stake in their future as opposed to just giving the same old generic advice that everyone else gives.

9. They prefer quiet

Empaths need to find a place to focus on their feelings in order to process them, and they will tend to seek out a quiet place to do this. When they are in a noisy and raucous environment, they feel easily distracted, frustrated and even angry about the disruption to their process.

10. They have a hard time focusing

Those quite places they seek are directly related to their inability to easily focus. Their intuitive nature is to take in everything around them, sometimes all at once, and this causes them to lack the focus they need to process one thing at a time. Their need to help everyone all the time makes this happen, and the less stimulation from all directions, they better they feel.

11. They have a strong relationship with animals

All kinds of nature’s beasts, large and small, to an empath are an integral part of their emotional being. Not one empath finds locking animals in cages an acceptable alternative to having them roam free, so you will rarely meet an empath at your local zoo or pet store unless it is to protest what they see as inhumane treatment.

12. They have a “connection” to electricity

Many of us have that friend that complains about not being able to wear an electronic device like a watch because it will inexplicably stop running when they have it on. That person is probably an empath. They will often experience these unusual occurrences because it is believed that the truly operate on a different energy frequency than the rest of us.

13. Helping others makes them feel good

No empath is truly happy unless they are helping someone else, so they will go above and beyond to do something for someone else, even if it means they may go without. They will postpone anything that has to do with their own life to pick up the slack for someone else to succeed.

14. They’re great listeners

Empaths take pride in hearing everything you have to say whether you are their best friend or just met them a few minutes ago. They will never look at their watch in boredom or have a glazed-over look in their eyes as you explain your emotional dilemma like many others do. Instead, they will stare at you intently, ask questions, and give advice if you ask for it.

15. They can walk in someone else’s shoes

Your experience becomes their experience when you confide in an empath about a rough time you had or an emotional upheaval you are experiencing. They don’t interrupt you with empty words like, “I feel what you are feeling” or “I can only imagine what you are going through”. The reality is no one can, but they quietly sit and listen to your story and don’t add in superficial words. Just being there with you makes you feel they understand what you experienced and they are metaphorically walking in your shoes.

16. They can’t be around self-centered people

Empaths are probably the most selfless people on earth, so to surround themselves with narcissists who only think about their needs and how to make their life better is counter-intuitive for an empath. And if they come in contact with a narcissistic person, this is usually the only type of person an empath will not try to help because they are realistic enough to know it will be a hopeless task.

If you see these traits in someone you know, and even yourself, you have a unique experience that you should celebrate with others and tell your story.