15 Warning Signs That Your Friends Are Taking Advantage Of Your Personality

May 08, 2019 by apost team

It is human nature to seek out relationships with people for one reason or another. However, it usually is due to them wanting to feel happier or healthier, but this does not always mean that the people you are trying to be friends with will help you with this.


As a matter of fact, most people at some point in their lifetime will be taken advantage of by their "friends", which is not a healthy relationship. How do you know if a friend is doing this to you? Here are 15 warning signs that a friend might be taking advantage of your friendship.


1. They only talk about themselves.


It is human instinct to think about yourself, but if your friend only wants to talk about themselves, they might be taking advantage of your personality. They tend to stick to light topics about themselves like vacations, dating life, and how their day went in general. If you are lucky, they might ask you about how your day was after going on for about ten minutes about themselves.

2. You always start the conversation.


Reaching out between friends should be an even street, but the friends that are taking advantage you will put in little to no effort to actually make contact with you. It might take a while to see, but the pattern will grow the longer you allow it. Finally, you'll realize that keeping in contact with them is not even. You are constantly putting 80% of your time into contacting them, where they might only contact you 20% of the time.

3. They only talk to you when they need you.


Building on their lack of effort to contact you, it comes across that when they do contact you it is more of them needing something rather than just to show you that they care about you and were thinking about you. Look at it this way, are your friends the people who do things just to be polite, but not because it is something they want to do? Is this what they do when you ask them to do or help you with something?

4. You're always there for them.


You will find that because you are always good at seeing the best in people, you are the first person that they want to contact when they are feeling bad about themselves. They expect that you will make them fill better by paying them compliments and often fish for them rather than letting you provide them naturally.

5. They never return the favor.


Although you are always there for them and let them complain to you about their problems, they are never there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. All they do is shrug you off and turn everything around to be about themselves again. You help by providing a solid support system, but when you need one from them, they turn their back on you and quickly try and change the subject to something else.

6. You could count the times they've helped you on one hand.


You can recall a lot of times when you have been there to help them out without ever asking for anything in return. At some point, you find yourself keeping track of how many times you have helped them without nothing in return from them throughout your entire friendship.

7. They always ask you for favors.


Conveniently, they always seem to be around when they decide that they need a favor. All you ever hear out of their mouth is "Do you have...", "Can I", and "Will you do?".

8. They make you go too far out of your comfort zone.


You have found that you have been taken out of your comfort zone in order to help them at times, and although you can't blame anyone else because it was your choice, you still can't help but feel like a pawn that is only being used for their advantage.

9. They never say thank you.

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After you go out of your way, you also find that they never appreciative that you did or show you any sort of acknowledgment or gratitude for your sacrifice. They probably feel that you are such a kind person that it doesn't occur to them that it might have been hard work to do it.

10. They demand your trust.


Sadly, they actually expect you to be the guardian of all of their secrets, and regardless of the situation, you are expected to never betray their feelings. They will usually push themselves on you either passively or just tell you up front without caring about your feelings.

11. They turn on you in a second.


If you have the backbone to actually tell them no, they begin to gossip about you behind your back or they don't much pay attention to you in the future. They use these manipulative tactics to draw you back to their side.

12. They disappear regularly.


Once you say no to them enough, they just disappear on you entirely.

13. You give, they take.


Your friendship is all about you giving and them taking. You are generous but everyone has their limits.

14. You feel drained by them.


After a while, you will feel that being friend with them is more of a drain on you than it is an asset, because you never get anything valuable or genuine from the relationship.


Finally, you look back on the relationship and try and figure out how it's become so bad. It's understandable that some relationships eventually go south, but it can be difficult to see early on. Choose wisely when it comes to your friendships to make sure the cycle does not continue.

Does this resonate with you? Tell all of your friends about this, and see how many of them respond to you and how many of them blow you off as it is suggested.