15 Reasons Why You Should Never, EVER Adopt A German Shepherd

Jul 04, 2018 by apost team

German Shepherds have a bad reputation in a lot of dog owner's eyes. They're vicious, untrainable beasts who can't be tamed and should never be around children, dogs, or other animals. Well, you know what? We agree. Here are all the reasons you should never even consider adopting one of these monsters:

They are vicious creatures.

Even when they are puppies, German Shepherds have vicious tendencies. Just look at the two pictured above, they're practically eating each other alive!


They're not the most attractive dogs..

I mean, the picture speaks for itself, doesn't it? Who wants a dog that looks like that? Not me, that's for sure.

Rumor has it, they can be mean to children.

If one thing is for sure, it is not smart to trust a German Shepherd around a baby or young child. Everyone knows that these dogs are dangerous.

They can't seem to get along with other animals.

If you have other pets or plan to in the future, this is yet another reason to avoid adopting a German Shepherd. Other animals tend not to be fond of these dogs and in some cases, they can even become hostile toward one another.

They don't get along with other dogs, either.

It is the unfortunate truth that German Shepherds are not fond of other kinds of dogs and vice versa. Never stick a German Shepherd and another dog in the same room with each other - nothing good can come of it!

They're way too high maintenance.

You can say goodbye to a quiet and peaceful household if you choose to adopt a German Shepherd. If you do, they'lll bounce off the walls and keep you up at night. Just look at this one, harassing it's owner while she's trying to work!

They've got this weird nervous tick.

For whatever reason, they're constantly tilting their heads to the side, whether you're talking to them, singing, or just looking at them funny. It's like they're mocking you!

They're not fans of travel.

Every good dog loves a good car ride with their owner. But this is not the case with German Shepherds. They are very uncooperative if you try to get them in the car and can make the ride a total pain to get through.

They're just plain mean.

It is a common trend for German Shepherds to be mean to their owners and to other animals. This is the last thing you want from your pet, so you might want to consider a different breed before you make the decision to adopt a German Shepherd.

They're so messy.

German Shepherds usually have the tendency to create huge messes for their owners, and it is doubtful that you want to deal with this. They are likely to break or spill things and leave it for you to take care of.

They're self absorbed.

German shepherds think they're the best things since sliced bread. That's one of the reasons they're always staring themselves in the mirror, telling themselves how pretty they are. It's not even a little bit cute!

They never listen.

If one thing is true of German Shepherds, they are unteachable and sometimes even disobedient. It is important to have a dog that knows how to listen and obey commands, after all!

They're not cuddly.. at all!

Every good dog owner likes to cuddle their dog, but everyone knows German Shepherd's are not cuddlers, as pictured above. In fact, they're known to avoid it at all costs!

Let's be honest.. they don't age well.

One of the worst parts is that these dogs do not even change with age. They'll look like adorable puppies well into old-age (and sometimes act like it, too).

Most importantly: NEVER get two!

Because if you get two, you'll want three.. and if you get three, you'll want four. It never ends!

There are so many reasons to avoid adopting a German Shepherd. Show this to your family and friends to warn them against adopting one of these vicious fluffballs!